Friday, July 24, 2009

5 Minutes Workouts To Lose Weight

As most of us are busy nowadays, we put off our exercise which is important to make us lose weight. What if there is a 5 minutes workouts to lose weight? If so, would you give it try? Here is how you can lose weight by doing these 5 minutes exercise daily.

1. Go For A Sprint

Sprinting is very cruel and very successful in boosting our metabolic rate. If you sprint for 40 yard, it will burn more fat compared to walking for one hour.

You could also swim, skip, box, cycling and go all out for 20 seconds, take a break for 20 seconds and start over. Repeat this for 7 times and after 5 minutes you will be exhausted to carry on. Your body however will continue to burn fat for a few days.

2. Go All Out For 5 Minutes

Get yourself a stopwatch and time your time on a bicycle or exercise bicycle. Go all out for 5 minutes. Record your distance and the following week try to go even further.

3. Do Heavy Weight Lifting

By doing heavy weight lifting with as much weight your body can endure for about 8 to 12 reps, you are able to build your muscle, increase your metabolic rate and burn fat. It will take you about 20 seconds of 8 to 12 reps and you could do 3 workouts in 5 minutes if you are determine to lose weight.

You will be able to lose weight by doing these 5 minutes workouts daily and by controlling your diet. Start doing these 5 minutes workouts to lose weight in 14 days.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Lhynne, how to lose weight fast? I used Phentermine that I ordered from
