Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Killer Tips To Lose Weight Fast

For you to lose weight fast, here are 5 killer tips to lose weight fast. These 5 tips to lose weight fast shall burn your extra fat and shall make you live a healthier life.

1. You Must Drink Plenty Of Water Daily

Drinking plenty of water daily is the best way to lose weight naturally. We are required to drink 8 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration and to stay healthy. Avoid drinking sodas or sweet drinks or calorie laden drink. Drinking water also helps to flush toxin out from our body.

2. Have More Meals Daily

Do not stick to your regular 3 large meals per day to lose weight. Our body cannot metabolize large meals and it will transform all un-metabolize excess into fat. Most experts believe we should have about 5 to 6 meals daily and spread throughout the day. The meals should be small meals or you will end up having extra fat storage.

3. Add Weight Training To Your Workout Routine

In order for you to have a maximum fat burning, you should add weight training programs to your workout routine. Weight training programs will help you to tone you body, make your body stronger and increase your overall health. Apart from that, weight training will help to burn calories and fat faster and help to increase your metabolism.

4. Choose Food With Protein

Choosing foods with high protein content shall increase your metabolism and allow your body to burn more fat rapidly. Foods with high protein help you to reconstruct your muscle after your workout and retain the leanness of the muscle. You should choose proteins for your weight loss diet carefully by choosing proteins which contain low fat.

5. Reduce Calories Intake Wisely

When you embark on a weight loss program, you may find it to be tempting to reduce your calorie intake abruptly. A sudden reduction in calorie intake will cause your body to quickly burn all available calories and will cause your metabolism rate to slow down. Know how much calories your body needs daily to function properly and how much it needs to lose weight.

Follow the above tips to lose weight fast and to learn more about how to lose lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, read about the method called Calorie Shifting Method.

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  1. I have tried almost every single trick out there in order to lose weight!

    The best thing I found so far, is fasting weight loss. It's just too hard to do it hehe

  2. There is now a method that can help you stop overeating, lose weight and help you feel better overall. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is which allows you to work through emotional eating by self-administered acupuncture, without needles. If you have been using food to "tranquilize" years of past emotional hurts, then you may find EFT for weight loss to be your best friend. Having EFT training and applying it to one's self can bring more emotional peace which, in turn, can lead to more sensible eating habits. This emotional contributor, which EFT is designed to address, is the missing piece in most weight loss programs.

  3. I lost tons of weight by using a product called Phentermine, it's very safe to use and I had ordered it from I recommend this for anyone who wants to lose weight very fast, quickly and easily, best product I've ever tried, it works very well.

  4. Hey guys just wanted to share my experience with you guys, I followed the instructions on and it helped me alot. I lost 30 pounds in 45 days. I highly recommend you guys try it.
