Friday, January 30, 2009

Top Ten Tips for Getting Fit in 2009

Here are ten tips to help you start the new year on a HEALTHY, fitness-forward note.

1 – Identify Your Goal
Plan your goals. It's much more than saying “I want to lose weight.” You need to outline steps to attain your goal. Start by writing down HOW MANY POUNDS YOU WANT TO LOSE and BY WHEN YOU WANT TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT. Be realistic – you didn't gain this weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. So think sensibly – divide the amount of weight you want to lose by two (losing two pounds per week is healthy and recommended by doctors.) Don't let this commitment to a date intimidate you; it will set you on the path to change.

2 – Believe in Yourself
Successful losers believe that failure is not an option for them. They envisioned a new life filled with health, energy, and vitality.

3 – Make It a Lifestyle
Jumping into a new fitness or eating plan that isn't sustainable, will not give you lasting results. You need to think of eating smarter or exercising as part of your way of life – a better life.

4 – It's Never Too Late
As we get older, we may think it's too late for us to change our heating habits. But it's never too late!

Take charge of your health and energy today. It has nothing to do with age – but making smart choices. At least 80% of your success will come from what you eat and drink. So regardless of your age, you can start making smarter eating choices beginning right now.

5 – Stop Thinking Negative Thoughts!
This is hard to do. You need to begin by accepting your body – just as it is – before you can change it. Take a moment to reflect about your body. I bet there is a slew of negative thoughts there. These negative thoughts can unravel your best intentions, erode your self-confidence and motivation to succeed. You need to get past them to experience true, lasting results.

If you find yourself thinking something bad about yourself, just say “OOPS” out loud. It may sound silly, but it's a great reminder to stop negative thoughts in their tracks and return to positive thinking. Remember that your body is a precious gift!

6 – Harness the Power of Frustration
Frustration can create a powerful desire for change; it's one of the most valuable motivational tools. Just think about how being unfit has cost you – whether in your career, intimate relationship or family life. How many activities have you missed because you physically couldn't do them: How often have you stayed home because you felt too ashamed or embarrassed about your body?

Be honest with yourself and explore every aspect of your life in which inactivity or overeating has held you back. Why not journalize all this – a journal will help you immensely. This will help you to propel forward toward your goals.

7 – Start Your Day with Sunshine!
Open those curtains at night and let the morning sun in! As it gets lighter with the sun rising, you'll slowly be aroused – both body and mind – to get out of your sleep stage. Wake up before your alarm goes off. We don't like those noisy buzzers anyway! You'll be refreshed, happy and ready to begin you day.

8 – Cut Back on Watching TV
This can also be true of the computer! It's called the "loser zone" – that is where we spend way too much time resulting in no significant improvement in your life.

The number 1 Loser Zone activity for Americans is watching television; and number 2 is the computer.

The average person spends 30 hours each week at these activities. Even cutting one hour daily off this inactivity you will have seven extra hours per week.

9 – Hang with the Right Crowd
Surround yourself with happy, successful people whose goals you share. Since we tend to emulate the behavior of the people around us, either consciously or subconsciously, spend time with fit, health-conscious people and you'll be inspired to adopt their ways.

Now don't think you need to drop all your old friends whose habits you don't admire; just be wise when choosing where and when you socialize with them.

10 – You Are Not Perfect – So Stop Trying to Be!
Perfection is not only unrealistic, buts is also a huge burden. Perfectionists may start out with the best intentions by wanting to better themselves or their situation, but they end up as control freaks. Should something minor go wrong, the feel like it's the end of the world. You don't need that stress to drive you batty!

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