Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Healthy Weight Loss Meals Plan

Most people know that in order for them to lose weight they need to have exercise and weight loss meals plan. Exercises can be walking, jogging or sports like tennis, squash, soccer and mountain climbing. The exercise however will depend on your physical conditions. Throughout your exercise administration, you are required to boost up the energy level for your body and sustain your nutrition by consuming proper foods which are foods that shall make you stay healthy and also assist you in your weight lose journey.

When you are planning for your weight loss meals, make sure you include the following foods. These foods provide all the compulsory minerals, vitamins, fibre, vital fatty acids and amino acids and they are divided into fruits, starches, proteins, vegetables and fats.

Fruits and vegetables
Spinach, tomatoes, apples, onions, melons, oranges, bananas, pumpkins, blueberries, beans broccoli.

Quinoa, yams, oats, and amaranth.

Salmon, lean red meat, lean poultry, milk protein powder, cottage cheese, omega-3 eggs.

Fatty Acids
Walnuts, almond nuts, pecans nuts, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado.
You should also include other healthy foods such as cinnamon, garlic, hot pepper and green tea.

Below is a simple weight loss meal plan which you can simply take up.

Fruits and vegetables like salad and add walnuts. For dressing use extra virgin olive oil.
Any foods which is whole grain or made from whole grain

Salmon or lean red meat or any of the above protein foods

Salmon or lean red meat or any of the above protein foods
Fruits and vegetables like salad and add walnuts. For dressing use extra virgin olive oil.

Oats of yam or any of the above starchy foods
Fruits and vegetables

Try out the above simple weight loss meals and you will accomplish your aim of losing weight much sooner than you really think. Also find out how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days simply by adjusting your calorie intake with the Calorie Shifting Method.

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