Sunday, February 1, 2009

Body Fat

Fat is one of the basic components that make up the structure of your body. The other components include muscle, water, bone and your organs.  All are necessary for normal, healthy functioning.

When it comes to the topic of Body Fat, most people will think that body fat is bad and they are actually wrong about it.   Even though a lot of the fat is really bad for you, there are also good fat that you can eat and it is ok for you to eat.  Everyone has fat on them where there is a certain amount of safe fat, and then there is excess fat.  Body fat can be divided into two categories: Essential fat and storage fat.

As its name implies, essential fat is necessary for normal, healthy functioning. It is stored in small mounts in your bone marrow, organs, central nervous system and muscles. In men, essential fat is approximately 3 percent of body weight.  Women, however, have a higher percentage of essential fat - about 12 percent. This is because their essential fat also includes some sex-specific fat found in the breasts, pelvis, hips and thighs. This sex-specific fat is believed to be critical for normal reproductive function.  Too much fat in our body will produce negative effects to our body and health.

As our body needs fat to function, we must choose wisely what food we consume.  This is extremely important in our diet and in our quest for weight loss.  Good Fats come from fish oil, sunflower oil, Omega 3, nuts, olive oil, avocado.  Bad Fats come from coconut oil, palm oil, meat, cheese, eggs, margarine, French fries, Cheetos.

So it is important to remember that you must have some fat in your diet so that your body can function properly.  Include the good fats in your daily diet so your weight loss program becomes more achievable.  Stay away from bad fats and eliminate them from your daily diet as they are bad for you and does not help you in losing your weight.

However, if you have been taking and including bad fats in your diet, it is actually removable from your body.  When your body burn less calories than what your eat one particular day, fat is stored.  So in order for you to remove the bad fats, burn more calories than you eat that day.

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