First and foremost, you must comprehend how many calories our body require to maintain our current weight. Amazingly, most people haven’t got the slightest clue how much food they can consume without gaining any weight.
Secondly, you definitely need to know your current average calorie consumption, and for this part many people also don’t have the slightest idea about their calorie consumption.
So, let’s begin to give you some clarity to the question "how many calories should I eat to lose weight?". Here is the formula that you need to know:
(BMR) x (Activity Modifier) = Active Metabolic Rate (AMR)
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) = the quantity of calories which your body requires to stay alive with no activity. For example, if someone is in a coma, his or her daily calorie consumption is very much the same as his or her Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). A person’s BMR will be dependent on a few factors such as the person’s height, the person’s existing weight, the person’s sex and how old a person is.
Activity Modifier = is the rate of your exercises. They are rated between 1.2 (inactive) and 1.9 (extremely active, extreme exercise or hard physical labor).
Active Metabolic Rate = is the amount of calories a person burn in a regular day.
For example, let us say that you are a male, 40 years old. Your height is 160 cm or 5 foot 4 inches and you weigh 85 kilos or 187 pounds. You have a light activity level about 1 to 3 times of sports a week. Here is how you calculate your AMR:
First calculate your BMR
For Adult Women:
655 + (4.7 x height in inches) + (4.3 x weight in pounds) - (4.7 x age in years)
For Adult Men:
66 + (12.9 x height in inches) + (6.3 x weight in pounds) - (6.8 x age in years)
Then, estimate how active you are by picking the following Activity Modifier:
Lightly active = 1.25
Exercise almost each day = 1.40
Professional athlete or work as a construction worker = 1.60
Then, simply multiply your BMR (1897.70)and your Activity Modifier (1.25) and you will get your AMR. In this case it is 2247.13. To maintain your weight eat this much calories and to lose weight eat about 500 calories fewer than what you require for maintenance. That should make you lose approximately 1 pound a week.
I hope the above will help you with your question “How Many Calories Should I Eat To Lose Weight?”
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