Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Many Calories Should I Eat To Lose Weight?

How many calories should I eat to lose weight? If this is the question that you have been pondering, then you should read this article.

First and foremost, you must comprehend how many calories our body require to maintain our current weight. Amazingly, most people haven’t got the slightest clue how much food they can consume without gaining any weight.

Secondly, you definitely need to know your current average calorie consumption, and for this part many people also don’t have the slightest idea about their calorie consumption.

So, let’s begin to give you some clarity to the question "how many calories should I eat to lose weight?". Here is the formula that you need to know:

(BMR) x (Activity Modifier) = Active Metabolic Rate (AMR)

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) = the quantity of calories which your body requires to stay alive with no activity. For example, if someone is in a coma, his or her daily calorie consumption is very much the same as his or her Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). A person’s BMR will be dependent on a few factors such as the person’s height, the person’s existing weight, the person’s sex and how old a person is.

Activity Modifier = is the rate of your exercises. They are rated between 1.2 (inactive) and 1.9 (extremely active, extreme exercise or hard physical labor).

Active Metabolic Rate = is the amount of calories a person burn in a regular day.

For example, let us say that you are a male, 40 years old. Your height is 160 cm or 5 foot 4 inches and you weigh 85 kilos or 187 pounds. You have a light activity level about 1 to 3 times of sports a week. Here is how you calculate your AMR:

First calculate your BMR

For Adult Women:
655 + (4.7 x height in inches) + (4.3 x weight in pounds) - (4.7 x age in years)

For Adult Men:
66 + (12.9 x height in inches) + (6.3 x weight in pounds) - (6.8 x age in years)

Then, estimate how active you are by picking the following Activity Modifier:

Lightly active = 1.25
Exercise almost each day = 1.40
Professional athlete or work as a construction worker = 1.60

Then, simply multiply your BMR (1897.70)and your Activity Modifier (1.25) and you will get your AMR. In this case it is 2247.13. To maintain your weight eat this much calories and to lose weight eat about 500 calories fewer than what you require for maintenance. That should make you lose approximately 1 pound a week.

I hope the above will help you with your question “How Many Calories Should I Eat To Lose Weight?”

Recommended Product To Lose 9 lbs Every 11 Days

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The 4 Weight Loss Diets Plans You Should Know

If you are looking for weight loss diets plans, then here are 4 weight loss diets plans that you should check out. These diets plans are healthy and will help you to reduce your weight.

1. Add cucumbers in your diet. By neglecting cucumbers in your diets, you will lose many benefits which cucumbers can provide. Cucumbers contain malonate acid which will stop sugar from turning into fat. This will help to reduce your weight. Cucumbers are also high in fiber to help the digestion process in your body, reduce cholesterol and help neutralize toxin in your body.

2. Add white pepper in your food. According to a study in Great Britain, a person who consume food which contain white pepper will burn up to 25 percent more compared to a person who do not. This is because the hot flavor in the white pepper has increase heat effect which will influence your metabolic rate. It builds hotness during digestion process and this will help you to burn calories faster.

3. Consume more fiber daily. It is known that fiber is very important in our everyday diet. Without diet, food will take about 70 to 80 hours to go through the digestion process. Fiber will help to reduce the time for food to go through the digestion process. Reducing the time will also help to protect us from colon (large intestine) cancer and rectum cancer. Fiber is able to protect us from the said cancers because it is able to dilute poisonous materials which is in the large intestine and further accelerate the expelling expel process from our body.

4. Get yourself a diet diary. Many overweight people succeed in losing because they have a diet diary. By having a diet diary you will be able to note down whatever you eat every time. By doing so, you will be more careful with what you eat. Apart from that, you will also be able to know your eating pattern in a few weeks time. If it is not healthy, then you will be able to change it.

You should try these 4 weight loss diets plans to lose your weight. Again, these plans are healthy and at the same time will make you lose weight.

Recommended Product To Lose 9 lbs Every 11 Days

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eating Healthy To Lose Weight-Tips On How To Lose Weight At Home

‘Eating healthy to lose weight’ is no prank. Besides exercising, you need to eat healthy to lose weight and one way to eat healthy is to cook at home. Here are some tips on how to cook at home and tips on how to lose weight at home.

1. To cook your foods, it is best to use low fat cooking technique such as boiling, steaming and roast.

2. Use cooking oil spray.

3. Consume more vegetables and fruits.

4. Drink plenty of water daily.

5. Reduce the frequency of eating fried foods to 2 to 3 times a week.

If you have to fry your foods, then you should do this:

a. Maintain the frying temperature between 180˚C to 190˚C. By doing so you will be able to re-use the cooking oil for a few more frying sessions and the quality of the food will be maintained.

b. Avoid using spoilt cooking oil and low quality oil. Spoilt cooking oil will reduce the transfer of heat to foods.

c. To maintain the flavor and nutrients of your fried foods, use minimal amount of cooking oil.

d. Stop frying before the cooking oil emits smoke. When the oil emits smoke, toxins and carcinogens are created and they will contaminate the food.

e. Avoid frying at high temperature because this technique will increase unhealthy fat and will endanger your heart as well as making you gain weight.

One of the best cooking oil is olive oil. To lose weight, you should use olive oil to cook your food. Olive oil contain Vitamin E which will help to avoid damage to your cancer cells. It is also able to increase the fat burning process in your body, increase your metabolic rate and prevent sugar from turning into fat.

There are 3 types of olive oil and they are Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Olive Oil and Olive Oil. Olive oil is yellowish and is the oil that you should use for your cooking as it contain more than 4% of acidity. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has 0.5% to 1% acidity and it is suitable for your salad sauce. While Virgin Olive Oil has between 1% to 4% acidity and it is a suitable addition to your dishes.

If you are in the process of losing weight and if you are going to cook at home, then you should follow these tips on how to lose weight at home. Remember that eating healthy to lose weight starts at home.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tips On How To Lose Weight – The 5 Fat Loss Diets You Should Try

One of the important tips on how to lose weight, apart from exercise is to have the right diet. The right diet is essential in helping you to lose weight. However, it is rather hard to make a decision on which fat loss diets you should follow, because there are many dietary plans available in the market. Here, I am going to show you 5 fat loss diets that you should try and you can follow it easily.

1. If you want to have an ideal body weight, then you should avoid foods which are high in fat and calories. Eat moderately with the right serving and eat according to the recommended amount of calories per day.

2. During breakfast, eat toast with jam or honey without butter. By doing so, you will cut down 180 calories during breakfast.

3. If you are a busy person and you do not have enough time to eat your real healthy foods, then consume ‘smoothies’ in replacement. Smoothies will provide you with enough carbohydrate, it is easily transformed into energy and it will provide you with the prolong sense of fullness.

4. Roasting is the fast way and the best way to cook. Roasting is to cook by exposing foods to dry heat just like before a fire or in an oven. This cooking method will preserves the vitamins and minerals in the foods.

5. Avoid using oil when roasting your foods especially when roasting red meat. This is because red meat contain juice and fat which will act as oil during cooking.

The above tips on how to lose weight will be able to make you lose weight. However, for better result, you should combine the 5 fat loss diets with exercise. By combining the two, you will ensure that your calorie intake will lessen even more.

I hope these 5 tips how to lose weight fast and easy, will help you to lose weight. Remember that losing weight is as simple as eating right and doing exercise that you love. If you are looking for a fat loss diets plan, then read this article about Calorie Shifting Method, where you will learn how to naturally lose weight just by shifting your calories.

Recommended Product To Lose 9 lbs Every 11 Days

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Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy - 5 Tips To Lose 10 Pounds A Month

If you have been wondering why can’t you lose weight and can you lose 10 pounds a month? The answer is yes, you can lose weight and you can lose 10 pounds a month plus it is not that difficult. You can actually lose more than 10 pounds, however if you just require to lose 10 pounds, then you need to read this article and follow the 5 how to lose weight fast and easy tips.

The answer to weight loss is actually to create a calorie deficit. Calorie deficit can be achieved by eating right as well as working out hard. Within one month, you have a lot of time to obtain excellent outcome by monitoring what you consume and exercising regularly. Here are the 5 tips for how to lose weight fast and easy. These tips will help you to lose 10 pounds a month:

1. Consume plenty of fiber - Fiber laden foods are great simply because they help you to feel full. Feeling full is a superb way to slow your hunger pangs and to avoid overeating.

2. Consume more vegetable and fruits – As these foods are vitamins laden, great for your digestive system and perfect snacks, they can aid you to slash sugar laden snacks, which will only make you grow fatter and hungrier. You should consume at least 5 pieces of vegetables and fruits daily.

3. Perform cardio activities daily - Cardio activities are an excellent method to achieve the required calorie deficit to lose 10 pounds a month. When you perform cardio, you burn plenty of calories. Cardio activities include, but not limited to, rowing, running, jumping rope, cycling, swimming and practically any types of ball game.

4. Stay away from fast food – Fast food contain too much fats, oil, chemicals as well as a whole lot of other bad components. To lose weight you must stop eating fast food and stop drinking sodas.

5. Perform strength training – When you perform strength training, you will build lean muscle tissue and this is an excellent method to increase your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you will help yourself burn more calories faster.

I hope these 5 tips how to lose weight fast and easy, will help you to lose weight. Remember that losing weight is as simple as eating right and doing exercise that you love. If you are looking for a healthy diet plan, then read this article about Calorie Shifting Method, where you will learn how to naturally lose weight just by shifting your calories.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Why Can't I Lose Weight? 2 Tips On How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

If you have been asking to yourself “why can’t I lose weight”, then you must have some weight problem. Fear not, because in this article, I will reveal to you 2 tips how to lose weight and keep it off.

The 2 tips on how to lose weight and keep it off is very simple. They are :

1. Get yourself a healthy diet plan and follow it religiously

There are many diet plans available on the internet that will guide you when to eat and how to eat. Basically, weight loss is about burning more calories than what you consume. To naturally lose weight, you need to burn more calories everyday than what you eat to create a weight loss.

As there are plenty methods to eat right, you need to search for what diet plan works for you. Always remember that you must have healthy balanced foods when you eat and also make sure you eat plenty of vegetable and fresh fruits.

2. Exercise more often
Exercise is just as important as your healthy diet. To lose weight, you need to exercise and have a healthy diet plan as well. Period. Apart from being able to make you lose weight, exercise shall also provide your body with so many other benefits.

To avoid you from getting bored when doing your exercise, you need to find an exercise that you love doing and you look forward to doing it again and again. Find one and stick to it for long term. If you find and exercise you dislike, eventually you will find more excuses to not doing it. You could also find an exercise partner who love doing the same exercise as you do to accompany you.

So the next time you ask yourself “why can’t I lose weight”, remember these 2 tips on how to lose weight and keep it off. Remember that losing weight is as simple as eating right and doing exercise that you love. If you are looking for a healthy diet plan, then read this article about Calorie Shifting Method, where you will learn how to naturally lose weight just by shifting your calories.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The 5 Secrets How To Naturally Lose Weight

Due to the reason that many people are becoming obese, more and more people are looking for ways how to naturally lose weight. Apart from making us healthy, losing weight will also make us look sexy.

Here are the 5 secrets how to naturally lose weight:

1. Know about your calorie math: To lose weight, you need to know about your calorie math. Simply put it, to lose weight, you need to burn much more calories than the calories that you take in. So, you need to start becoming very aware of how much calories you are consuming daily vs how much calories you are burning throughout your daily exercises.

2. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily: To flush toxins out from your system, drinking water is one natural way to do it. Drinking water will also increase your metabolism and make your body burn more fat.

3. Buy a pedometer: A pedometer is a step counter. Pedometer can count the number of steps you have made for the day. Simply fasten the pedometer to your belt before going to work and just go about your daily routine, just remember to reset the pedometer counter to zero. So, when you retire for the day, note down the number of steps you have made. If you find your steps are too little, then, tomorrow you can increase your steps.

4. Avoid your desert. Most people who are on a diet normally will return to their previous weight in just about a few weeks. This is because when we take away food from our body, we will usually end up wanting more food and we will later eat more food. So one thing you can do is avoid you desert, as most desert contain the most calories in your meals.

5. Eat only healthy snacks. Eating snacks between meals is the main culprit in your weight loss effort. So if you have to eat snacks, eat healthy snacks such as baby carrot or celery instead of you regular chips or fries.

These 5 secrets how to naturally lose weight will aid you in losing your weight. If your target is to lose 10 pounds a month, these 5 secrets will help you do it. If you want to know how to naturally lose weight with just shifting your calories, then read this article about Calorie Shifting.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

5 Tips How To Lose 10 Pounds A Month

The truth is, it is not very hard to lose 10 pounds in a month. What you need to do is just change your lifestyle. The following are 5 tips that you need to do in order to lose that 10 pounds in a month:

1. Avoid drinking sodas or soft drinks- For your information, sodas and soft drinks are sugar laden which rapidly turns to fat. So, instead of drinking sodas or soft drinks, drink freshly squeezed juice without sugar. By doing so, you will substitute useless calories with healthy calories.

2. Go for a brisk walk- Brisk walking is one excellent way to burn plenty of calories as well as fat. Brisk walking will boosts your metabolism, thus making you burn much more fat throughout your day. Go for a half an hour walk, about 3 times to 5 times a week. One month from today you will notice remarkable results.

3. Drink plenty of water every day- Drinking a minimum of 8 glasses (8 oz) of water daily will reduce your hunger. It will also cause your body to work more competently in burning more of your fat.

4. Break your meals into smaller meals- Instead of your regular daily 3 large meals, break your meals into 4 to 5 smaller meals. Breaking your meals into smaller meals will prevent you from being too hungry. It will also help your food digestion process.

5. Get enough sleep- You must have enough sleep everyday at least 7 hours per night. Our body need sufficient sleep in order for its metabolism to work better. If you have sufficient sleep, you will also prevent tiredness which encourage binge eating.

You see, it is not hard to lose 10 pounds a month. All you need to do is just follow these 5 simple tips. As a matter of fact, you can lose 10 pounds a month and more, if you have an exact diet plan. One diet plan that will allow you to lose 9 pounds every 11 days is the Calorie Shifting Diet plan, which means, in one month you can lose much more than 10 pounds.

If you want to know how to lose 10 pounds a month and more, read this Calorie Shifting Diet plan review.

Friday, October 16, 2009

5 Tips How To Burn Fat Fast

So how to burn fat fast? What you need to do is to increase your metabolism so that your body can burn more fat. Here are 5 tips how to burn fat fast.

1. Consume more high fiber foods. It is true that the required amount of fiber is not there in most of our everyday meals. Fiber will help our fat burning process considerably. In addition to that it promotes our overall general health. Salads which have leafy greens are an excellent fiber source.

2. Starving and overeat is bad for you. You should always eat your foods in moderation. You should also time your meals so that you constantly eat before you begin to starve. By following this easy rule, you shall keep your metabolism intact and your body will burn fat and also you will be eating less.

For example, look at wild animals; have you seen them being fat? No! We can learn from them by stop eating when we are satisfied and before we are full and don’t eat until we are so full that we can’t even move.

3. Build your muscle mass so that you can burn your body fat. It is known that muscles are very active metabolically compared to fat and other body tissues. Hence, you are required to perform some resistance exercise everyday, therefore adding up more muscles, which will increase your metabolism and burn more fat.

You need to have more lean muscle mass so that your body will burn more calories and burn fat, even while you are resting.

4. Before going to bed, do not eat poor quality carbohydrates. These carbohydrates come from processed foods such as sugar, breads, snacks, cereals, candies, etc.

By eating these foods before bedtime will most likely to increase your fat deposit as well as preventing your body from sustaining enough high fat burning mode. In the event you really need to eat, then eat vegetables.

5. Do more cardio training to increase your fat burning. A smart method to perform cardio training is to break your training session into 2 small sessions as oppose to one lengthy session.

Study have shown that those who perform 30 minutes of cardio training in the morning and later 30 minutes of cardio training in the evening, lose more weight compared to those who perform a 60 minute session.

Follow these 5 how to burn fat fast tips and start losing your weight today or if you want to lose 9 pounds every 11 days without exercising, find out how to do it here with The Calorie Shifting Diet.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Quick Weight Loss Diets Which Can Assist You In Losing Weight

Quick weight loss diets are famous due to the reason they assure fast weight loss with minimum effort. Whereas some of these diets are unhealthy, and may even be hazardous, there are also some quick weight loss diets that in fact work.

The solution is to get a diet plan which emphasize healthy eating behavior instead of signifying that a person should only consume a certain food group or reduce calories to hazardous levels to make you lose weight. Here are some helpful tips to assist you come to a decision when looking for a diet plan which will fit your way of life the best.

Healthy is best- Quick weight loss diets must be safe otherwise they are unworthy of trying. Safe diets must include all of the vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber but the amount must be based on daily recommended allowances. Not adhering to nutritional guidelines shall lead to malnourishment as well as other long-term health complications.

Get sufficient calories- It is vital to not reduce your calories too much. By reducing your calories to lower than 1,000 calories daily for woman and lower than 1,600 calories daily for men, you shall cause irreversible injury to your body. Do not go below this amount of calories daily or for extended periods of time. Reducing your calories too much shall cause the failure of your metabolism, thereby halting your weight loss hard works. It shall also cause other side effects which will do you more harm than good.

Vegetables and fruits are good- In the event you find quick weight loss diets which emphasize on eating vegetables and fruits, they are most probably will work well for your weight loss while ensuring you do not jeopardize your health. Vegetables and fruits provide many minerals, vitamins as well as fiber which are essential for your optimal health.

Try these quick weight loss diets today to have a quick weight loss or if you want to lose 9 pounds every 11 days without exercising, find out how to do it here with The Calorie Shifting Diet.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Weight Loss Advice: Beware of Skinny Friends

Weight loss advice about how your skinny friends can make you obese that you should read about.

Your friend who always stay thin even though he or she eats anything and everything, is not only annoying. He or she may also destroy your diet, based on a new study which shows that eating also involves a great deal of social pressure.

The University of British Columbia in Kelowna, Canada, has carried out a study and the finding is that during a movie session which is supplied with snacks, college students will in general follow his or her thin friends overeating behavior.

But, the study participants applied more self-discipline during snacking with an overweight friend who overate.

The conclusions, which was published in the Journal of Consumer Research, suggested when a person saw his or her thin friend eat greedily a big meal, gives the person unspoken consent to do exactly the same.

“We think if ‘she can eat like that and stay thin, so can I’ or ‘she is having cake, then I can too’.” Said researcher Brent McFerran. “In other words, the most dangerous person to eat with is not someone who is obese, but a thin friend with a large appetite.”

McFerran and his colleagues enlisted 210 female college students for the study. All the college students believed that the study was on movie viewing. Each of the woman watched a movie together with a friend, who was in fact is a member of the study team.

Generally, the study found, the students consumed more when their thin friend ate a large share, against cases where the overweight friend ate the same large share.

So, the next time you went out with a thin friend, remember this weight loss advice and do not fall for the social pressure.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Best Exercise For Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, it is best that you know what is the best exercise for weight loss. This article will provide you with information about what exercise you should do to lose weight.

It is a normal misunderstanding that aerobic exercise will tone as well as firm muscles. In fact it achieves very small toning and firming. Weight training or resistance exercise is what really tone and firm the muscle.

The best exercise for weight loss is weight training and aerobics. By doing weight training and aerobics together is the best way to burn fat and also to gain more muscle. Studies have shown that weight loss will increase by 56% when weight training and aerobic are done together.

Even though muscle weight more than fat, when the muscle composition is increased, the body will be able to burn more fat even while we are resting due to the reason our metabolism is much higher. To survive one pound of muscle will utilize 350 calories to 500 calories each week, while one pound of fat requires approximately 14 calories per week to survive. Latest studies have shown that by building muscle will assist our body to combat disease much better.

Weight training will benefit each of us, despite our sex and age and is identified as a vital part of fitness. Research also indicates the muscle loss normally found in older people isn’t caused by aging, but because of lack of activities. Muscle mass and strength loss can also occur to young people who does not have sufficient exercise. Weight training like lifting weights or weight resistance exercises a minimum of 2 times a week will help in maintaining the muscle mass or increasing the muscle mass.

Weight training which involves a few sets of several repetitions using modest weights will not give you huge muscles. It is however will build bone mass as well as increasing your metabolism, firming and toning your muscles, which results in a leaner appearance.

It is of utmost importance that the strength exercises and aerobics are done together. The strength exercises will help to develop your muscle, lessen your body fat and preserve your bone mass. The aerobic exercise will make your lungs and heart stronger and assist your body to use oxygen more proficiently, which will help with weight training and overall fitness.

Aerobic exercise is a kind of exercise that increases the heart rate as well as breathing for non-stop sustained time. This will overload the lungs and heart and as a result these organs will work harder than during rest.

There are many aerobic exercise for weight loss which you can choose from. There are aerobic dance, walking, cycling, swimming and many more. However your pick shall depend on your history, interests, physical condition and your aims. Most experts believe, to get the most out of the exercise, it is best to swap between the exercise types.

There are 2 major types of aerobics and they are low impact and high impact. It is a good idea to swap between the high impact aerobics, which are more tougher on your body and might injure your body, and low impact aerobics, like brisk walking as well as swimming. This is known as cross-training, and it will help lessen the chances of injury and excessive use of certain muscles.

You need to do aerobic exercises a minimum of 20 minutes daily for 3 to 4 days per week. If you want to lose your body fat and your are in good physical condition then you should work longer with the exercise. Make an effort exercising to about 40 to 60 minutes and 5 to 6 days per week.

Bear in mind that there is no real requirement to exercise excessively. Exercise for weight loss is all about modesty. Modest intensity is more or less better plus it is more enjoyable. Low intensity to moderate intensity is particularly a good idea when you start to workout after a you recover from any illness and injury, or if you happen to be significantly overweight.

Warming up and cooling down is vital to lessen discomfort and the risk of injury. You need to warm up slowly and gradually increase your top speed. Later at the end of your workout, you are required to slow down again.

The entire idea of aerobic exercise is to get moving. Look for something you love doing that will keep your heart rate increased for a non-stop time period and start exercise to lose weight. Remember that the best exercise for weight loss is by combining both the aerobic and weight training.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

3 Effective Tips How to Lose Weight Naturally

If you are afraid of your weighing machines, do not regard this as a phobia for the reason that you are totally okay, you simply need to monitor your weight. Most likely, you are combating with your overweight issue for quite some time that you may think that the method on how to lose weight naturally is simply impossible. Nevertheless, this piece of writing will show you are wrong. Below are some methods that you can use to lose weight naturally.

1. Create A Reasonable Goal

Remember that you cannot have a model body fast in days. If you are able to maintain your goals realistic, chances are that your will achieve your desired weight loss goals thus providing you with enough guts to go further.

2. Do Not Deviate From Your Goals

During your weight loss pursuit, there will definitely be times when the temptation to quit your pursuit is so strong, simply because of a wedge of a fattening cake. Throughout these times, you need to think about how much you have gone through. However, it will do you no harm if you provide yourself a cheat day in which you are allowed to eat all the foods that you have been wanting on that day, however in the correct percentage. By doing this will avoid you from having a crave.

3. Pursue Your Goals

Always stress that you are in fact working out towards your goals. It will make you feel rewarded to be capable to get something every now and then, regardless how tiny the reward may seem to be. Go all out and pursue your goals for the reason that it is just an issue of building up your habit and when your body is used to the habit, the feeling being forced to do something will vanish.

Try these 3 effective methods today to lose weight naturally. Also find out how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days simply by adjusting your calorie intake with the Calorie Shifting Method.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Healthy Weight Loss Meals Plan

Most people know that in order for them to lose weight they need to have exercise and weight loss meals plan. Exercises can be walking, jogging or sports like tennis, squash, soccer and mountain climbing. The exercise however will depend on your physical conditions. Throughout your exercise administration, you are required to boost up the energy level for your body and sustain your nutrition by consuming proper foods which are foods that shall make you stay healthy and also assist you in your weight lose journey.

When you are planning for your weight loss meals, make sure you include the following foods. These foods provide all the compulsory minerals, vitamins, fibre, vital fatty acids and amino acids and they are divided into fruits, starches, proteins, vegetables and fats.

Fruits and vegetables
Spinach, tomatoes, apples, onions, melons, oranges, bananas, pumpkins, blueberries, beans broccoli.

Quinoa, yams, oats, and amaranth.

Salmon, lean red meat, lean poultry, milk protein powder, cottage cheese, omega-3 eggs.

Fatty Acids
Walnuts, almond nuts, pecans nuts, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado.
You should also include other healthy foods such as cinnamon, garlic, hot pepper and green tea.

Below is a simple weight loss meal plan which you can simply take up.

Fruits and vegetables like salad and add walnuts. For dressing use extra virgin olive oil.
Any foods which is whole grain or made from whole grain

Salmon or lean red meat or any of the above protein foods

Salmon or lean red meat or any of the above protein foods
Fruits and vegetables like salad and add walnuts. For dressing use extra virgin olive oil.

Oats of yam or any of the above starchy foods
Fruits and vegetables

Try out the above simple weight loss meals and you will accomplish your aim of losing weight much sooner than you really think. Also find out how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days simply by adjusting your calorie intake with the Calorie Shifting Method.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days

There are many people who wish to lose 10 pounds in 10 days but haven’t got the slighest idea how to do it. Because of this, there are a lot of extreme ways to lose weight fast in the market and some of it apply unhealthy ways to produce quick weight loss.

The unhealthy ways are obviously dangerous for you as it will damage your body. The following are healthy ways to lose 10 pounds in 10 days without the use of damaging drugs, dull workouts and the ever popular starvation diet.

To do it, you need to totally change your eating habits in 10 days. Here are 5 eating habits that you need to change:

1. Completely stop eating junk foods or fast foods. Start eating fruits and vegetables in place of junk foods and foods which are extremely high in calorie.

2. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day to boost your metabolism. A simple guide is to drink 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of your weight. If you weigh 300 pounds then drink 150 ounce of water. Sodas or soft drinks are a BIG NO-NO.

3. Have 5 meals each day. Your individual meals should be small, a maximum of half of your regular meals or smaller portion. Do not ever skip your breakfast and stop eating before 7 pm.

4. Stop eating process foods such as white bread and sugar. Eat food such as whole grain bread and oatmeal. For you to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, you need to avoid sugar as sugar is the main culprit in making you fat.

5. Add lean protein in your diet. You may obtain lean protein come foods such as nuts and beans. In addition avoid eating high-fat dairy products. To obtain calcium and protein, consume low-fat dairy products because they are great source of calcium and protein.

Follow these 5 steps to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. Also find out how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days simply by adjusting your calorie intake with the Calorie Shifting Method.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

6 Steps To Lose Weight With Fruit Smoothies

Mostly, fruit smoothies are calories laden. However they are also full of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins as well as soft fibers that will ensure that your body get all the required nutrients and at the same time cleaning your intestinal tract. You can also lose weight with fruit smoothies by applying these 6 Steps To Lose Weight With Fruit Smoothies:

1. Substitute one meal every day with nutrient laden fruit smoothies which will definitely provide your body with the energy it requires and at the same time keeping you satisfied and filling you up. One other superb way to help you lose weight with fruit smoothies is to only drink smoothies for one whole day, about three to five times in a month. The fact that smoothies are easily digested and they promote internal cleaning as well, they assist in eliminating compacted waste in your intestines and it may also good for boosting your metabolism.

2. To help thicken your fruit smoothies, add low fat yogurt into the smoothies. The yogurt shall serve as a source of protein and it will also suppress your appetite. There are studies that have shown people who consume one to two servings of yogurt every day have very much less cravings through his or her day.3

3. Combine one tbsp of ground flax seed into your fruit smoothies in the morning. The flax seeds shall provide you with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 will help to maintain your cardiovascular system healthy. In addition, flax seeds are also considered to help in weight loss because assist in eliminating fat from our blood, help digestion process and also help you feeling full much quicker.

4. Add one scoop of protein powder into your fruit smoothies for the increment of nutrient value and to help you feeling full. Research has found that high protein diets work not because they burn fat, but because the protein makes you feel full thus making you eat less.

5. Your fruit smoothies can be made from any fruit you like. To enhance the weight loss feature, use fruits that you can blend with its seeds such as watermelon. Watermelon contains plenty of water and potassium salts. Potassium salts are a natural and gentle diuretic that will help cleansing your body. Fruits that can be blended with its seeds, for example berries, will add a part of fiber that also assist you to feel fuller while removing fats out of your body and also cleansing your colon.

6. Avoid adding sugar in your fruit smoothies. To much sugar means too much calories. Fruits should provide you with the sweetness and sugars you require and it is also natural. Also use unsweetened yogurt in your fruit smoothies.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

2 Steps To Maximize Fat Burning With Running For Weight Loss

If you practice running for weight loss for days, weeks and maybe months and you do not get any result, you do not lose weight whatsoever, then you are doing it wrong. For you to do it right, read the following 2 steps solution.

1. Sprints Will Burn Your Fat

Sprints will maximize your fat burning and will eliminate fat from your body fat because of the intensity of the sprint. A steady jogging or running does not produce the massively vital afterburning effect whereby your body will burn off a massive amount of calories after your jogging or running session. With sprints, you will be able to have the afterburning effect.

How do you perform the sprints? The best way is to sprint hard for about 10 to 15 seconds and followed by a walk for about 45 seconds. Repeat this step for 15 minutes and carry out this exercise 2 to 3 times in a week. By doing this, chances are you will definitely lose weight despite the fact that you have a really bad eating habit.

2. To Lose More Weight, Then Do Hill Sprints

Hill sprints are basically similar to sprints but they are much more intense. However, the only setback is, it is not easy to find a hill near your residential are.

If you happen to have a suitable hill located near you, what you do is you run up the hill right up the top. When you are on top, take a rest. During descending, simply walk your way back down the hill. Repeat the hill sprints for about 10 to 15 minutes for 2 to 3 times a week.

With these 2 steps you will be running for weight loss in no time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tips For How To Burn Fat Fast

If your are looking for tips for how to burn fat fast, then you have come to the right place. Below is an advanced weight loss for how to burn fat fast which you can apply in your daily meal.

This is how to burn fat fast – Cut Calories But Not Too Much.

As most people are getting closer to their weight loss goals and particularly when they hit a fat loss area of stability, they cut more calories. But the truth is you should not do it.

Why? One of the things that control your metabolism is your food intake and energy balance. They work most probably by changing the levels of a mixture of hormones in a human body.

By cutting your calories intake way too much, you might probably cause the hormones levels to loop, thus making them sending a combined message to your system that you are lacking in energy intake and as a result, your system shut down your systems for weight loss.

There are people who did not have enough calories and have about 1000 kcal/day and did not lose weight. They eat mostly on vegetables do not have the required calories. As such they turn to eating walnuts and almonds to acquire the required calories. By eating more than 1500 kcal/day, they managed to lose weight and boost their energy up. They have loss about 3 pounds in one week.

For men, they generally should have more than 1800 calories per day. As for women, they should have more than 1500 calories per day. Follow this tips for how to burn fat fast and see results in just a week.

Friday, August 28, 2009

5 Weight Loss Advice

In order for you to keep the weight off, you are required to alter your patterns. Follow these 5 weight loss advice to build a strategy for your weight loss objective.

1. Set a very precise weight loss goal.
  • Bear in mind that to lose weight, you are required to change your behavior and thought, therefore set goals for your emotions as well as your weight.
  • Do not set unclear goals such as, "I would like to lose a bit of weight.". You must be very precise. Set how many kilos do you want to lose. Shut your eyes and imagine yourself (vividly) after you have achieved your goal. Utilize this imagination to strengthen your commitment and your inner strength.
2. You must have a weight loss plan.
  • Get a thorough plan because willpower alone do not work. In order for you to lose weight and keep the weight off, a plan is a must have.
  • Make future planning. Do away with of your stretchy clothes, avoid junk food and stock pile healthy food in your kitchen.

3. Employ small and measurable steps.
  • Employ steps that is suitable for your lifestyle and not someone else's steps. You may follow someone’s weight loss advice, just be sure it is suitable for you
  • Make sure you move toward an optimistic goal, not just moving away from being overweight. Each step you conquer shall bring you one step closer to becoming who you want to be.

4. Produce a healthy and reasonable timeline.
  • How much will you lose in one month? The next six months? Next year? Plan your weight loss goals into your calendar and follow it.
  • There is no such thing a losing weight overnight. It takes time to modify your lifestyle and you will reduce your weight just as you modify your lifestyle.

5. Get someone to monitor your progress.
  • Find someone you know to monitor your progress and for some weight loss advice. By doing this you will be most likely to follow your plan.
  • Share your plan with someone you trust. He and she can give you support when you really need it and you can celebrate with him or her your weight loss victories.
Follow the 5 weight loss advice for a better you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Low Calorie Diets - The Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe

There are many low calorie diets recipes on the internet and one of the popular low calorie diets is the Cabbage Soup Diet. The Cabbage Soup Diet is able to make you lose 10 pounds in one week. The diet is extremely low in calories because you are only going to have cabbage soup, vegetables, fruits, skim milk and meat. No exercise is required in this diet.

Here is the recipe for the cabbage soup diet:

10 cups of water
1 package of soup mix
1 can of tomato juice
2 cubes of chicken stock
5 large onions (chopped)
2 green peppers (quartered)
2 cans of tomatoes (smashed)
4 carrots (diced)
1 cup of mushrooms (sliced)
1 celery bunch (chopped)
1/2 head of green cabbage
salt and pepper to taste

The diet plan is as follows:

Day 1- Cabbage Soup and fruits as much as you like. No bananas.
Day 2- Cabbage Soup and vegetables plus one potato with a little butter.
Day 3- Cabbage Soup and fruit and vegetables. No potatoes and bananas.
Day 4- Cabbage Soup and up to 8 bananas and unlimited amount of skimmed milk.
Day 5- Cabbage Soup and up to 20 oz of beef and up to 6 tomatoes.
Day 6- Cabbage Soup and as much beef and vegetables. No potatoes.
Day 7- Cabbage Soup and brown rice, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit juice without the sugar.

After the seventh day you should rest for 2 weeks before commencing again with another 7 days of the diet.

The cabbage soup diet is not suitable long term weight loss because it does not concentrate on balanced nutrition, exercise and personal motivation. It is good for short term weight loss whereby losing 10 pounds in a week is achievable.

Bear in mind that low calorie diets are not the answer to healthy weight loss and it also not a permanent solution for weight loss.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Weight Loss Patches - The Dietrine Weight Loss Patch Review

One of the available weight loss patches in the market is Dietrine weight loss patches. It is said to be the latest answer for the majority of overweight people who want to lose some weight just by using weight loss patches with no exercise.

The Dietrine weight loss patches is said to work by maintaining the stability of the hormones that causes you to become overweight.

Eating too much is the major factor that causes you to become overweight. The Dietrine is said to work by controlling your urge to eat more, however it does not wipe out your appetite completely and by increasing your metabolism.

The Dietrine contain Fucus Vesiculosus, Guarana, Garcinia and Menthol. The manufacturer claimed that is completely made from herb and there has been no complain of dangerous side effect.

The cost is $5 per patch. No exercise is needed with the Dietrine. You just to place a Dietrine Patch on your arm, wrist, or any other smooth part of your body, similar to a band-aid. The extraordinary formula is immediately absorbed into your skin and goes straight into your bloodstream where it immediately start working and continue on working. The result is said that you will be less hungry, eat less, and lose those unwanted pounds fast.

Each patch can last for 3 days. After that continue to use another patch.

The above is what most review website said about the Dietrine weight loss patches. The truth is, if you search on the internet this address, you will find this :

Dietrine Patch has been discontinued...
The Dietrine Patch has been discontinued. For a full refund, please forward your empty or full packaging along with your receipt to:
1802 N. Carson Street Ste. 212-2772
Carson City, NV. 89701

So, for those of you who have bought the Dietrine weight loss patches, stop using it and get back your refund.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 Steps Plan to Lose 25 Pounds

A plan is all you need to lose 25 pounds. Do not go for starvation diets as they do not work and there is no way you will lose 25 pounds with starvation diets. Here are 3 Steps Plan to Lose 25 Pounds.

1. Plan what you are going to eat for the day

Plan what you are going to eat for the day and jot it down. Many people fail miserably to lose weight simply because they don’t plan. By having a plan you will know what to eat , how much calorie you will have for the day and you won’t over eat.

2. Control your calorie intake

You should control your calorie intake for the day. If you are a women the ideal calories per day are around 1200 to 1500 calories. This will make you lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week. If you are a man the ideal calories per day are around 1600 to 1900 calories. This will also make you lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week. Consume complex carbs to provide you with energy and stay away from simple carbs that are normally found in junk foods.

3. Eat many times and keep the portion small

Eat about 4 meals to 5 meals daily. Each meal should contain about 200 calories to 400 calories. By doing this throughout the day, you will burn fat more efficiently. Having small meal will avoid you from being very hungry. For people who starve themselves, skip breakfast will definitely eat a lot during lunch or during dinner.

There many more methods to make you lose 25 pounds. For starters, stick and follow religiously these 3 steps plan to lose 25 pounds.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lose Weight With Weight Loss Pills

There are many debates regarding using weight loss pills to lose weight and many believe that weight loss pills really work.

Weight loss pills was initially made known to the public and are meant for people who are really overweight and are in need to lose weight.

Nowadays, the society has pressured many young girls and women to lose weight and has made women to consume diet pills despite their weight are at a normal level. This is a very serious health concern which many of us realize regarding diet pills.

We should only consume weight loss pills in the event that our health is in grave danger and until then only you should lose weight with the help of diet pills.

If our health is in a good condition and does not post any health treat to us, then diet pills is an absolute no-no. In this condition a better solution to lose weight is by healthy diet and regular exercise.

Most diet pills can make us lose weight but we have to be cautious. Despite most of them do work, many of them also can make us fall sick. A visit and a consultation with a doctor is a must prior to taking any weight loss pills. Doctors will know what is best for you and what is not.

A recommended diet pills are Hoodia diet pills which has seen many people these pills to lose weight significantly.

Again remember to consult your doctor before consuming any weight loss pills.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

If you are in the process of losing weight and you happen to stock your refrigerator with fresh fruit, then it is time for you to prepare some smoothie for your weight loss. The following are some smoothie recipes for weight loss:

These smoothie recipes for weight loss are great for losing weight and for the cleansing and maintenance of your colon so it stays healthy.

Smoothie Recipe No 1: Pineapple and Apricot Smoothie

Quarter cup of pineapple, crushed
One fresh apricot, diced
Six fresh strawberries
Half fresh banana
One and half cup water
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 2: Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

Six frozen strawberries
One frozen banana
One and a quarter cup of water
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 3: Tropical Fruit Smoothie

Half ripe fresh mango
Half frozen banana
One teaspoon natural coconut extract
Four frozen strawberries
Six ice cubes
One and a quarter cup of water

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 4: Mixed Berry Fruit and Banana Smoothie

Quarter cup frozen mixed berries
Half fresh pear, cored
Half frozen banana
One and a quarter cup of water
Half teaspoon of cinnamon powder
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 5: Orange, Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

Half cup of fresh orange juice
Six frozen strawberries
Half frozen banana
Half cup of water
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Try these smoothie recipes for weight loss today and start losing weight.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Be Successful In Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Women who gain weight due to pregnancy will be able to have a weight loss after pregnancy. The speed of you losing weight after pregnancy will be dependent on a few things which include your sum of weight gain for the duration of your pregnancy.

For the majority of women, they will be able to lose weight ranging from 10 pounds to 14 pounds during the first 14 days of their deliveries. The weight loss can be credited mainly to the excess fluid loss in the body, the infant's weight, the placenta as well as the amniotic fluid. Depending on the person, some may lose less weight, while some may lose more weight.

You will lose weight because the uterus reduces in size to its typical size and because of the fall of your hormone levels. The majority of women will put on a minimum of 7 pounds of fat throughout pregnancy. The accumulated fat is required for storing energy when they breastfeed their infant. The reduction on this weight will be dependent on a number of reasons which include your genetics, your diet and your exercise as well as your overall health.

You ought to anticipate that it may take time to have a weight loss after pregnancy as it takes you 9 months to put on the weight. Most women have been able to lose weight in only a few months after the delivery.

For a number of women, their body will cling to the last few pounds that they need to lose right until they no longer need to breastfeed. This is because the body needs the extra pounds to make sure that you have sufficient energy to give enough milk to the infant. This may occur differently from one person to another.

To have a weight loss after pregnancy in a reasonable time, you must breastfeed your baby, have a good nutritional plan as well as moderate workout. To get back to your original weight before pregnancy in a minimum of 6 to 12 weeks, simply follow the nutritional plan and a regular workout plan.

You can start with a daily short walk around your neighborhood or go to a park with your strollers. In a few weeks after your delivery, if you feel up to it, go for swimming or cycling. Wait for about 6 weeks before you start any heavy workouts. Remember to have a good nutritional plan together with your workouts as it will help with your weight loss after pregnancy.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

5 Minutes Workouts To Lose Weight

As most of us are busy nowadays, we put off our exercise which is important to make us lose weight. What if there is a 5 minutes workouts to lose weight? If so, would you give it try? Here is how you can lose weight by doing these 5 minutes exercise daily.

1. Go For A Sprint

Sprinting is very cruel and very successful in boosting our metabolic rate. If you sprint for 40 yard, it will burn more fat compared to walking for one hour.

You could also swim, skip, box, cycling and go all out for 20 seconds, take a break for 20 seconds and start over. Repeat this for 7 times and after 5 minutes you will be exhausted to carry on. Your body however will continue to burn fat for a few days.

2. Go All Out For 5 Minutes

Get yourself a stopwatch and time your time on a bicycle or exercise bicycle. Go all out for 5 minutes. Record your distance and the following week try to go even further.

3. Do Heavy Weight Lifting

By doing heavy weight lifting with as much weight your body can endure for about 8 to 12 reps, you are able to build your muscle, increase your metabolic rate and burn fat. It will take you about 20 seconds of 8 to 12 reps and you could do 3 workouts in 5 minutes if you are determine to lose weight.

You will be able to lose weight by doing these 5 minutes workouts daily and by controlling your diet. Start doing these 5 minutes workouts to lose weight in 14 days.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Killer Tips To Lose Weight Fast

For you to lose weight fast, here are 5 killer tips to lose weight fast. These 5 tips to lose weight fast shall burn your extra fat and shall make you live a healthier life.

1. You Must Drink Plenty Of Water Daily

Drinking plenty of water daily is the best way to lose weight naturally. We are required to drink 8 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration and to stay healthy. Avoid drinking sodas or sweet drinks or calorie laden drink. Drinking water also helps to flush toxin out from our body.

2. Have More Meals Daily

Do not stick to your regular 3 large meals per day to lose weight. Our body cannot metabolize large meals and it will transform all un-metabolize excess into fat. Most experts believe we should have about 5 to 6 meals daily and spread throughout the day. The meals should be small meals or you will end up having extra fat storage.

3. Add Weight Training To Your Workout Routine

In order for you to have a maximum fat burning, you should add weight training programs to your workout routine. Weight training programs will help you to tone you body, make your body stronger and increase your overall health. Apart from that, weight training will help to burn calories and fat faster and help to increase your metabolism.

4. Choose Food With Protein

Choosing foods with high protein content shall increase your metabolism and allow your body to burn more fat rapidly. Foods with high protein help you to reconstruct your muscle after your workout and retain the leanness of the muscle. You should choose proteins for your weight loss diet carefully by choosing proteins which contain low fat.

5. Reduce Calories Intake Wisely

When you embark on a weight loss program, you may find it to be tempting to reduce your calorie intake abruptly. A sudden reduction in calorie intake will cause your body to quickly burn all available calories and will cause your metabolism rate to slow down. Know how much calories your body needs daily to function properly and how much it needs to lose weight.

Follow the above tips to lose weight fast and to learn more about how to lose lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, read about the method called Calorie Shifting Method.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 Great Protein Shake Recipes

Are you tired of just having your whey protein powder with just milk water? If so, here are 3 great protein shake recipes that you can mix with your protein powder. The preparation of these protein shakes as simple as mixing all the ingredients in a blender and voila, you have got yourself delicious protein shake with these protein shake recipes:

Chocolate Cake Protein Shake. This recipe is for lean mass gain:
• 12 ounce of water
• 4 ice cubes
• 1 tblspn of heavy cream
• 1 tblspn of coconut cream
• 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder

Tangerine Cream Protein Shake. This recipe is for maximum fat loss and/or lean mass gain:
• 12 ounce of Tangerine Diet Rite
• 4 ice Cubes
• 1½ tblspn of heavy cream
• 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

Root Beer Float Protein Shake. This recipe is for maximum fat loss and/or lean mass gain:
• 1 can of Diet A&W Root Beer
• 4 ice cubes
• 1½ tblspn of heavy cream
• 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Low Calorie Diets Do Not Make You Lose Weight

If you are trying to lose weight, you must have tried many diets but to no avail. Many diets that are available in the market require you to eat less calories. But is this the way to lose weight? Low calorie diets may work in a short period of time, but not in the long run due to the fact that our body need certain amount of calories to survive.

These diets do not work because when your meal is low in calories, you harm you body by slowing down it’s fat burning sources, which basically means you are not helping your body to burn fat and lose weight. You may lose weight in the first week but this weight loss will stop rapidly.

Low calorie diets are not the efficient way to lose weight permanently. You should end the usage of low calorie diets and replace with a way that will make you eat healthy foods and at the same time make you lose weight.

A diet plan that will make you lose weight is a plan that allows you to eat at the exact time daily and allows you to have at least 4 meals. Eating at the exact time and eating a minimum of 4 meals shall increase your metabolism thus making you burn more fat. In short you get to eat your healthy foods, have the essential vitamins as well as minerals that your body require and lose weight.

You could easily lose weight if you have the right diet plan. Each of us are different compared to one another, so it is best for you to scrutinize all of today’s existing diet plans, to see whether they suit you.

Significantly reduce your weight by avoiding low calorie diets and check out this dieting breakthrough which shall make you lose 9 pounds in 11 days.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2 Ways To Lose 25 Pounds

There are 2 ways you can lose 25 pounds. Exercise and change your diet.

1. Exercise

Exercise 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes and work up to exercising 3 to 4 times per week for 40 to 60 minutes. Have a mix of cardio training and weight training. Cardio will burn fat and weight training will help increase metabolism so you burn more fat all the time and help you to lose 25 pounds faster.

To provide the greatest metabolic response and target the loss of stubborn body fat focus on workout intensity and on working your body as a whole, To get really lean, ensure your workouts are high intensity, minimize rest periods and work on the largest muscle groups of the body, there is no real need to focus on the smaller body parts using isolation exercises for small muscle groups like the shoulders biceps, or calves.

2. Diet

The single most important factor to focus if you want to lose 25 pounds is diet. Of course exercise also has a part to play, but number one is diet. After all what is the use of a fantastic set of abs which are covered by an excess of body fat?

Eating every 2 to 3 hours will keep your metabolism high. If you have long interval time between meals, this will make your metabolism to slow way down and the next time you eat the food will be much more likely to be stored as fat.

Your diet should consist of a healthy blend of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Fats should come from unsaturated and omega 3's. Good sources of fat are from nuts, salmon, etc. Proteins should come from lean meat and dairy like chicken, skim milk, and egg whites. Carbohydrates should be complex carbohydrates from whole grain breads, cereals and pastas.

A method that can help you lose 25 pounds is the Calorie Shifting method. Records have shown many people who used the Calorie Shifting method have been able to lose 25 pounds.

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Flat Stomach Snacks

Would you like to have a flat stomach so you can wear those two-piece swimsuits you have been holding off? If yes, then all you have to do is have these snacks daily and you will be on your way to have a flat stomach and wearing those swimsuits.

To avoid having a bloated body you need to eat foods rich in calcium. 1000 mg of calcium. Researches found out that eating foods rich in calcium before you bare (nearly) all may assist in the deflation of PMS puffiness in addition to bloat which is an outcome from consuming salty foods.

For you to have the 1000mg of calcium try these combination of :

1 cup of low fat milk (contain 290 mg calcium)
8 oz of low fat plain yogurt (contain 415 mg calcium)
2 1/2 oz of low fat cheddar cheese (contain 295 mg calcium).

To fend off fat and obtain a flat stomach, eat a quarter cup of almonds. Researches found out that when substituting not so healthful foods with almonds, a person will be able to shed off additional weight and remove more waistline despite the fact that almonds contain additional calories and fat than other snacks. The healthy fat in almonds makes you satisfied and prevent you from taking further snacks.

Fruits and vegetables which is rich in water can make you feel full. Consume 2 cups of melons or tomatoes, which made of over 90 percent of water. These water rich fruits and vegetables will fill you up with much less calories.

Consume these snacks daily and you will be able to have a flat stomach soon.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Flat Stomach Foods

To help you to get a flat stomach, your diet is on of the key essential in doing so. Poorer food choices every week can easily add up your belly size and hamper your quest for a flat stomach. Having a regular weekend barbeque at your backyard will supply you with all the high calorie food such as burgers, ice-cream with topping and your regular high calories drinks.

For your information on how get a flat stomach, here is a list of food that you should consume daily:

1. Green Tea
Green tea has 0 calories. In the green tea, there are Catechins, a powerful antioxidants known to be able to increase your metabolism.

2. Quinoa
The nutrition in ¼ cup of quinoa is:
170 calories
2.5 gram fat
7 gram protein
3 gram fiber

Whenever you pick a whole-grain product, over product made from white flour which has been stripped of its nutrient, you are fighting your belly fat. Researches found that those who ate whole-grain lost two times as much belly fat compared to those who ate white flour products, despite they had eaten the similar amount of calories.

3. Kefir
The nutrition in 1 cup of kefir is:
174 calories
2 gram fat
14 gram protein
3 gram fiber

Treat kefir as a potable yogurt or a smoothie packed with protein. Kefir contains probiotics, an active organisms, that may make you lose weight faster.

4. Grapefruit
The nutrition in 1 cup of grapefruit is:
104 calories
4 gram fiber
2 gram protein

Adding 1 grapefruit a day to your usual meals can speed up your weight loss and gives you a flat stomach. The acid in the fruit will slow down digestion, which means it will take longer time to move through your body system, and you will end up feeling fuller and more satisfied for a longer period of time. The grapefruit is packed with vitamin C that works to lower your cholesterol and reduce risk of stroke, heart disease and some types of cancer.

Consume these flat stomach foods daily for a better you. If you want to lose 9 pounds in 11 days, check out this review about calorie shifting, where you'll be able to lose weight simply by adjusting your calorie intake and without exercising. Check out the Calorie Shifting Method.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Weight Loss Program-The Calorie Shifting Method

There are many weight loss program in the market and they are some which are available through the internet. All the weight loss program say that they can make you lose weight in a fast and easy way. However losing weight is really dependent on you. If you are not dedicated to lose weight than you may not lose weight at all.

The weight loss program may give an array of different result from one person to another because one person’s body is different from the other. The standard of living, food plans and genetic characters should also be considered. The results might be just in a few months for some person and for some, it may be a little longer.

A weight loss program to lose your weight, that you may look into is Calorie Shifting Weight Loss System.

In nature human body make use of a stable amount of calories every day. The idea of Calorie Shifting Weight Loss System is to deceive the metabolic mechanism of the body by alternating your usual caloric intake. Your body cannot get used to the shifting procedure of calories within the body on a regular basis. Therefore this will improve the metabolism to respond on the altering procedures.

First and foremost, you must uphold a steady amount of 2000 calories in about 30 days and then adjust that into the shifting method for the subsequent weeks. The procedure will involve a shifting upward or shifting downward of calorie content being consumed. The system ought to have a variation of meal each day throughout the span of the program.

Generally, it is necessary for a human body to have 2000 calories in each day. Move around on shifting your calorie intake up or down every day in one week. The ups and downs of caloric intake do not matter as long as you observe varying quantities taken for successive days. Keep in mind to retain the best total caloric content of about 14,000 within one week to avoid deficiency.

With this weight loss program, you will be able to lose 9 pounds in 11 days.
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