Friday, May 14, 2010

Part 3 Of Know About The Benefits Of Walking

Part 3 - The Correct Walking Techniques

With the right walking techniques, you will be able to increase your level of health. Here are the correct walking techniques :

  • Heel first. Make sure that your heel reaches the ground before other parts of your sole. When you first begin, small or short steps are sufficient.

  • Swing your hand. By swinging your hand, you will cause your body to burn more calories and also strengthen your upper body. Walking does not only benefits your lower body parts, but also benefits your upper body parts.

  • Straighten your back. To make sure that you have the correct body posture, you need to straighten your back and look straight forward.

  • Control your breathing. During your walk, make sure that you control your breathing. If at any point of time, you realize that you are breathing heavily, then you should slow down your walking pace, and if that does not work, then you should stop and take a rest.

  • Alternate your walking speed. To make your walking less boring, you could set some specific time for your walking speed, like 5 minutes fast walking and 5 minutes slow walking and so on.

  • Buy a pedometer. A pedometer is an instrument which can measure or count your steps. With this instrument you will be able to monitor walking distance.

  • Walk 3 to 5 times a week. At minimum you should walk for 3 times a week, and if you feel you are up to it, 5 times a week is recommended.

There you have it, the correct walking techniques in the Benefits of Walking series.

And there you have it, the correct walking techniques. Remember that walking is the easiest exercise for weight loss and you should walk everyday to make you healthy and lose weight. If you haven’t read about the benefits of walking then go here : Know About The Benefits of Walking - The Easiest Exercise For Weight Loss (Part 1)

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Know About The Benefits of Walking - The Easiest Exercise For Weight Loss (Part 2)

Part 2 - How to start walking?

As what I have written in Part 1 of Know About The Benefits of Walking - The Easiest Exercise For Weight Loss, there are many benefits of walking. Walking can be done anywhere and at anytime. In this Part 2 of the benefits of walking, I shall write about how to get started with walking.

• Set your goal. If you have not done any kind of exercise whatsoever in a very long time, then you should start slowly and keep your distance short

• Find a suitable place to walk. It is best that you find yourself a place where its surface is flat and does not pose any danger to you

• Set your time. Make sure you set your walking time according to the ability of your body because we do not want to injure yourself

• Increase your speed and the difficulties level. If you have achieve the above goals, then you should consider increasing your walking speed and start walking at places like recreational park

• Walk with your family members or your friends. If you do not have the confidence of walking or you feel bored walking alone, then invite your family members or your friends to join you with your walking session. Walking with friends or your family members shall make this activity more fun and you will not easily get bored

And that is how you start walking. Remember that walking is the easiest exercise for weight loss and you should walk everyday to make you healthy and lose weight. If you haven’t read about the benefits of walking then go here : Know About The Benefits of Walking - The Easiest Exercise For Weight Loss (Part 1)

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Know About The Benefits of Walking - The Easiest Exercise For Weight Loss

Walking is the easiest exercise for weight loss and there a lot of benefits of walking. Walking can help in your weight loss quest and it is easy, cheap and safe to carry out. You can do this exercise at any time and anywhere, be it at your house your office, shopping complex and many more places.

There are many benefits of walking. Besides being able to make us lose weight, it is also able to make us healthy. Here are some of the benefits of walking :

• It keeps our heart healthy and reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering our cholesterol level

• It control our blood pressure and prevent the risk of high blood pressure as well as stroke

• It reduces the risk of diabetes. Walking increases the ability of our body to process sugar more efficiently and helps to smooth our blood flow

• It maintains our weight and helps to sculpture our body figure so that our body looks better

• It reduces stress. Walking will help to elevate the production of endorphin hormone. This is the hormone which causes us to be healthier and happier

• It maintain the strength of our muscle

• It reduces the risk of osteoporosis

• It maintain our stability and reduces the risk of falling especially to the older people

• It is able to increase our self confidence

Because there are many benefit of walking, as well as it is the easiest exercise for weight loss, you should not hinder yourself from walking. Weight loss is easy to achieve if you exercise regularly and eat the right food.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fruits Diet : Are Fruits Really Foods For Weight Loss?

For many people, fruits diet are one way trim down their body. There is no doubt that fruits are full with fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. But are they really foods for weight loss?

By adhering to the five-a-day government’s guideline, eating fruits can be beneficial to us. If you have a healthy weight, then eating more fruits than the guideline is ok. However if you happen to be overweight or you are suffering from diabetes or high cholesterol, eating too much fruits can land you in trouble. This is also an explanation why you are gaining weight despite you living a healthy lifestyle.

Most people always forget that fruits, just like any other foods, contains calories. Dr Carel Le Roux, who is a consultant in metabolic medicine at the Imperial College London, explain that the calories contain in fruits can also make you become overweight, just like the calories in chocolate.

He also quoted that different people will over-eat different foods. For those who have too much fruits diet, are usually weight-conscious. He said he has seen patients who are baffled with their overweight problem because they consume healthy foods. When investigated, they are actually eating fruits excessively or they are drinking fruits smoothies throughout their day.

Fruits are packed with fruit sugar (fructose)and this does not make your stomach feel full. When you eat sugar, your body will release the hormone insulin, which will tell your brain you have enough food. High insulin levels will lessen your appetite. However, with fructose, it does not activate this insulin response, as such your brain does not get the necessary message that you are already full.

So, the key is, whether it is fruits diet or any other vegetables or foods, for weight loss, you need to eat in moderation. As simple as that. I hope this weight loss tips will help you in your quest for losing weight.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Free Weight Loss Tips

Looking for free weight loss tips? Well, search no more. My site is the site which provide plenty of free weight loss tips for you. Talking about weight loss tips, 2 weeks ago, I went to visit my brother-in-law. Haven’t seen him for about 7 months. To my surprise, he has loss about 20 lbs. From about 141 lbs, he has gone down to about 121 lbs.

A few years before, he was in good shape, weighing only about 50 kilos. At that time, I wasn’t really surprise as he was then an exercise freak. He jogs daily for more than 45 minutes. He has no weight loss menus back then, because the only thing that matters to him was to exercise and exercise. Then he got promoted, and began to travel extensively. The result is, he stop exercising, and gain weight to about 75 kilograms.

That was then. Now, he is a different person. So, I ask him how did he manage to lose 20 lbs? Are there any special weight loss menus he is using? Or did he went back to exercising? And how long did he take to lose 20 lbs?

His secret is, he ate only whole grain bread and vegetable soup, in the morning, during lunch and during dinner. Time for him to lose 20 lbs with his weight loss menus? About a month. He did not do any exercise whatsoever and he religiously stick to his weight loss menus; whole grain bread and vegetable soup.

Ok. Here’s the thing. I didn’t object his method of losing weight. In fact, I thank him for giving me free weight loss tips. But by only eating vegetable soup (his favorite is spinach soup) and whole grain bread, is he getting enough supplements or vitamins his body required? I believe he is not and I know for sure his weight loss menus must be balanced and they should consist fat, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, fiber and mineral salts.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Flat Stomach Foods – More Fat Burning Foods For You

Previously, I have written about 2 flat stomach foods, and they are eggs and oatmeal. In this article I shall write about 3 more flat stomach foods. With this, I hope you can burn more of your fat and lose more of your weight.

1. Dairy Goods – Choose Low Fat Goods
There is an article in “Obesity Research”, which stated that women who consume low fat dairy goods, for example low fat milk and non fat yogurt, for about 3 to 4 times daily, lost 70% more fat compared to those who consume low dairy goods.

2. Beans
Beans are frequently connected to gastrointestinal disturbances. However, beans are also rich in fiber, iron and protein. Here are some beans that you should eat to help you lose weight:

White beans
Lima beans
Kidney beans
Navy beans

There are also beans which you should restrict in your diet and they are refried beans and baked beans. Refried beans have a lot saturated fat and baked beans contain a lot of sugar. You should also remember this, cook the beans thoroughly due to the fact that some protein contained in the beans could not be broken down by our digestive tracks.

3. Olive Oil
Our body require good fats and olive oil is among the good fats. Olive oil will help your body to burn fat as well as keeping your cholesterol down. Olive oil contain plenty of monounsaturated fat, a kind of fat which provide you with exceptional health benefits.

That’s it for now. I shall write more about flat stomach foods in the future. So remember to check my site regularly. In the mean time, try consuming the above flat stomach foods.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Flat Stomach Foods – Eat These Fat Burning Foods

As well as your regular exercise, you shall also need to include some flat stomach foods in your diet to help quicken the trimming of your waistline. Here are 2 flat stomach foods for your consideration:

1. Eggs

Do you know that eggs are very high in protein and they can assist you in burning belly fat? You might have read about the danger of eggs, about how excessive eggs consumption can make your cholesterol shoot up. However, latest research has shown that eating eggs doesn’t lead to the increase of serum cholesterol levels. If you are still not comfortable with eating too many eggs, then simply discard the egg yolk and consume only the white egg as the white contain most of the proteins in an egg.

Eggs are very high in vitamin B, particularly vitamin b12. They also contain Vitamin A, D, E and K. Take note that there are very little food which contain vitamin D, and one of them is egg. Vitamin B12 can help to break down your fat.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not among the most delicious flat stomach foods, but they are very good for us. Eating a lot of oatmeal shall help to lower your cholesterol. Why? Because oatmeal is soluble fiber laden. Soluble fiber will flush out bad digestive acids from our system and this will reduce blood cholesterol.

When you buy your oatmeal, buy those which is unflavored and unsweetened. I know the taste is not really great, but it’s for your own benefit. If you can’t bear the oatmeal taste, then add fruits such banana, apple, raisins, honey or strawberry.

Remember, even though you exercise regularly, foods still play a major role in making you lose weight. So start eating these flat stomach foods today.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight?

How long does it take to lose weight? The answer to this question will depend on how much weight you want to lose. If you just want to lose a few pounds, it may take you a few days. If you want to lose 50 pounds, then it may take you a few months.

To make things easier, let us say that you want to lose 20 pounds. So, the question is, how to lose 20 pounds and what is your time frame to lose that much weight?

1. How to lose 20 pounds in 14 days. Detox diet shall help you to lose 20 pounds in 14 days. Detox diet is actually a diet based on fruit juice. Detox diet will flush unwanted and undigested fat deposits out of your body. It shall also encourage weight loss because it is also a low calorie diet. You will be able to lose your weight in 14 days.

However, there is a downside to this diet. It is only for short term weight loss. It won’t work in the long run. Furthermore, as this is only a liquid diet, you might encounter some health issues in the long run.

2. How to lose 20 pounds in 21 days. You should choose the right diet and also a fitness program which concentrate on cardiovascular routines. By following such routines for 45 to 60 minutes every day and consuming diets which are less in carbohydrate can provide you with the outcome that you want.

It many take some strength of mind to ensure that you adhere to that kind of a regimen for 21 days, but when you are done, you shall be much slimmer as well as fitter.

The above are 2 answers for the question “how long does it take to lose weight?” In a nutshell, how long does it take to lose weight will truly depend on your diet and you exercise. So, choose the right diet and exercise for a minimum 45 minutes daily to lose 20 pounds.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Low Calorie Diet-Mustard Plant With Crab Meat Sauce

There are many low calorie diets available on the internet. Today I am going to share with everyone a low calorie diet recipe called Mustard Plant With Crab Meat Sauce. This recipe is for four person amounting to 261kcal. So, one person will get 65 kcal. Here is the recipe for the low calorie diet:

Ingredient A

1 stalk mustard
150gm fresh crab meat
1 egg white

Ingredient B

200gm chicken stock
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon sugar
½ teaspoon white pepper
½ teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon potato stock


1. Clean and cut the mustard to about an inch, then boil the cut mustard for about 5 minutes. Make you sure you do not over boil the mustard you will lose all its nutrients. When the mustard is done, drip dry it.

2. Boil the crab meat until it is cooked. When the crab meat is done, drip dry it.

3. Combine and mix well Ingredient B, egg white and the crab meat. This is the Crab Meat Sauce.

4. Arrange the mustard on a plat and pour the meat over it and serve.

The Nutrition Analysis for this diet are as follows:

4 Person
Energy - 261 kcal
Cholesterol - 10.4g
Protein - 31.3g
Fat - 15.3g

The mustard in this low calorie diet is also beneficial to your health in terms of its ability to help prevent hypertension, heart disease and cancer. It is also good for pregnant woman because it helps prevent anemia.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Exercise For Weight Loss-A Few Healthy Tips On How To Lose Weight For You

If you want to lose weight, then you should exercise. Also, you should be careful of what you eat. Your diet and your exercise is two major thing that will help your to lose weight. That being said, here are some tips on how to lose weight and some exercise for weight loss that you should try.

1. Go for ice skating. If you weigh 75kg and you perform ice skating for an hour, you will burn 600 calories. If you are really good at ice skating and you are able to perform all those fancy moves, then you will be able to burn around 800 to 900 calories.

2. Just as ice skating, running will also make you burn 600 calories. If you weigh 75kg, run for 1.6 kilometers and you will burn 600 calories.

3. Get enough sleep. Studies have shown that people who do not get enough sleep (less than 8 hours of sleep), will have the tendency to eat more because of the craving resulted from insufficient sleep.

4. Begin your meal with a 130 calories vegetable soup so that you will eat less because your stomach is almost full with the soup.

If you feel tired easily during your exercise, then you should eat food which is high in nitrate such spinach and strawberries. Nitrate produces nitric oxide, which will increase blood circulation and increase oxygen supply to your muscle. Try this and you will not easily feel tired during your exercise.

I hope the above tips on how to lose weight will help you with your quest to lose weight.

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Burn Calories Fast – 10 Ways To Burn Calories

There are many ways how you can burn your calories. You can do many things such as doing your chores, exercise, play your favorite games to burn 200 calories and even more calories. Here, I am going to show you how to burn calories fast. The following activities will make you burn 200 calories and more in a specified amount of time.

1. Washing your house windows for 60 minutes will burn 200 calories.

2. Washing and vacuuming your car for 70 minutes will burn 200 calories.

3. Playing table tennis with your friends for 60 minutes will burn 200 calories.

4. Jumping rope. Calories burned in 30 minutes of this activity is 400 calories. If you find 30 minutes is too long and too tiring, then do it for 15 minutes and you will burn 200 calories.

5. Ice skating for 40 minutes will burn 400 calories. Activity such as this is great if you do it with your friends.

6. Jogging. Calories burnt for 30 minutes of jogging is 300 calories.

7. Brisk walking for 35 minutes to burn 200 calories.

8. Horseback riding for 45 minutes to burn 200 calories.

9. Rearrange your house furniture for 35 minutes to burn 200 calories.

10. Go dancing for 30 minutes to burn 200 calories.

The above activities will burn calories fast . So, the next time you overate, do the above activities to burn off those extra calories.

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