1. Set a very precise weight loss goal.
- Bear in mind that to lose weight, you are required to change your behavior and thought, therefore set goals for your emotions as well as your weight.
- Do not set unclear goals such as, "I would like to lose a bit of weight.". You must be very precise. Set how many kilos do you want to lose. Shut your eyes and imagine yourself (vividly) after you have achieved your goal. Utilize this imagination to strengthen your commitment and your inner strength.
- Get a thorough plan because willpower alone do not work. In order for you to lose weight and keep the weight off, a plan is a must have.
- Make future planning. Do away with of your stretchy clothes, avoid junk food and stock pile healthy food in your kitchen.
3. Employ small and measurable steps.
- Employ steps that is suitable for your lifestyle and not someone else's steps. You may follow someone’s weight loss advice, just be sure it is suitable for you
- Make sure you move toward an optimistic goal, not just moving away from being overweight. Each step you conquer shall bring you one step closer to becoming who you want to be.
4. Produce a healthy and reasonable timeline.
- How much will you lose in one month? The next six months? Next year? Plan your weight loss goals into your calendar and follow it.
- There is no such thing a losing weight overnight. It takes time to modify your lifestyle and you will reduce your weight just as you modify your lifestyle.
5. Get someone to monitor your progress.
- Find someone you know to monitor your progress and for some weight loss advice. By doing this you will be most likely to follow your plan.
- Share your plan with someone you trust. He and she can give you support when you really need it and you can celebrate with him or her your weight loss victories.