Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

If you are in the process of losing weight and you happen to stock your refrigerator with fresh fruit, then it is time for you to prepare some smoothie for your weight loss. The following are some smoothie recipes for weight loss:

These smoothie recipes for weight loss are great for losing weight and for the cleansing and maintenance of your colon so it stays healthy.

Smoothie Recipe No 1: Pineapple and Apricot Smoothie

Quarter cup of pineapple, crushed
One fresh apricot, diced
Six fresh strawberries
Half fresh banana
One and half cup water
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 2: Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

Six frozen strawberries
One frozen banana
One and a quarter cup of water
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 3: Tropical Fruit Smoothie

Half ripe fresh mango
Half frozen banana
One teaspoon natural coconut extract
Four frozen strawberries
Six ice cubes
One and a quarter cup of water

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 4: Mixed Berry Fruit and Banana Smoothie

Quarter cup frozen mixed berries
Half fresh pear, cored
Half frozen banana
One and a quarter cup of water
Half teaspoon of cinnamon powder
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Smoothie Recipe No 5: Orange, Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

Half cup of fresh orange juice
Six frozen strawberries
Half frozen banana
Half cup of water
One tablespoon skimmed milk powder

Combine all the ingredients in a blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Try these smoothie recipes for weight loss today and start losing weight.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Be Successful In Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Women who gain weight due to pregnancy will be able to have a weight loss after pregnancy. The speed of you losing weight after pregnancy will be dependent on a few things which include your sum of weight gain for the duration of your pregnancy.

For the majority of women, they will be able to lose weight ranging from 10 pounds to 14 pounds during the first 14 days of their deliveries. The weight loss can be credited mainly to the excess fluid loss in the body, the infant's weight, the placenta as well as the amniotic fluid. Depending on the person, some may lose less weight, while some may lose more weight.

You will lose weight because the uterus reduces in size to its typical size and because of the fall of your hormone levels. The majority of women will put on a minimum of 7 pounds of fat throughout pregnancy. The accumulated fat is required for storing energy when they breastfeed their infant. The reduction on this weight will be dependent on a number of reasons which include your genetics, your diet and your exercise as well as your overall health.

You ought to anticipate that it may take time to have a weight loss after pregnancy as it takes you 9 months to put on the weight. Most women have been able to lose weight in only a few months after the delivery.

For a number of women, their body will cling to the last few pounds that they need to lose right until they no longer need to breastfeed. This is because the body needs the extra pounds to make sure that you have sufficient energy to give enough milk to the infant. This may occur differently from one person to another.

To have a weight loss after pregnancy in a reasonable time, you must breastfeed your baby, have a good nutritional plan as well as moderate workout. To get back to your original weight before pregnancy in a minimum of 6 to 12 weeks, simply follow the nutritional plan and a regular workout plan.

You can start with a daily short walk around your neighborhood or go to a park with your strollers. In a few weeks after your delivery, if you feel up to it, go for swimming or cycling. Wait for about 6 weeks before you start any heavy workouts. Remember to have a good nutritional plan together with your workouts as it will help with your weight loss after pregnancy.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

5 Minutes Workouts To Lose Weight

As most of us are busy nowadays, we put off our exercise which is important to make us lose weight. What if there is a 5 minutes workouts to lose weight? If so, would you give it try? Here is how you can lose weight by doing these 5 minutes exercise daily.

1. Go For A Sprint

Sprinting is very cruel and very successful in boosting our metabolic rate. If you sprint for 40 yard, it will burn more fat compared to walking for one hour.

You could also swim, skip, box, cycling and go all out for 20 seconds, take a break for 20 seconds and start over. Repeat this for 7 times and after 5 minutes you will be exhausted to carry on. Your body however will continue to burn fat for a few days.

2. Go All Out For 5 Minutes

Get yourself a stopwatch and time your time on a bicycle or exercise bicycle. Go all out for 5 minutes. Record your distance and the following week try to go even further.

3. Do Heavy Weight Lifting

By doing heavy weight lifting with as much weight your body can endure for about 8 to 12 reps, you are able to build your muscle, increase your metabolic rate and burn fat. It will take you about 20 seconds of 8 to 12 reps and you could do 3 workouts in 5 minutes if you are determine to lose weight.

You will be able to lose weight by doing these 5 minutes workouts daily and by controlling your diet. Start doing these 5 minutes workouts to lose weight in 14 days.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Killer Tips To Lose Weight Fast

For you to lose weight fast, here are 5 killer tips to lose weight fast. These 5 tips to lose weight fast shall burn your extra fat and shall make you live a healthier life.

1. You Must Drink Plenty Of Water Daily

Drinking plenty of water daily is the best way to lose weight naturally. We are required to drink 8 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration and to stay healthy. Avoid drinking sodas or sweet drinks or calorie laden drink. Drinking water also helps to flush toxin out from our body.

2. Have More Meals Daily

Do not stick to your regular 3 large meals per day to lose weight. Our body cannot metabolize large meals and it will transform all un-metabolize excess into fat. Most experts believe we should have about 5 to 6 meals daily and spread throughout the day. The meals should be small meals or you will end up having extra fat storage.

3. Add Weight Training To Your Workout Routine

In order for you to have a maximum fat burning, you should add weight training programs to your workout routine. Weight training programs will help you to tone you body, make your body stronger and increase your overall health. Apart from that, weight training will help to burn calories and fat faster and help to increase your metabolism.

4. Choose Food With Protein

Choosing foods with high protein content shall increase your metabolism and allow your body to burn more fat rapidly. Foods with high protein help you to reconstruct your muscle after your workout and retain the leanness of the muscle. You should choose proteins for your weight loss diet carefully by choosing proteins which contain low fat.

5. Reduce Calories Intake Wisely

When you embark on a weight loss program, you may find it to be tempting to reduce your calorie intake abruptly. A sudden reduction in calorie intake will cause your body to quickly burn all available calories and will cause your metabolism rate to slow down. Know how much calories your body needs daily to function properly and how much it needs to lose weight.

Follow the above tips to lose weight fast and to learn more about how to lose lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, read about the method called Calorie Shifting Method.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 Great Protein Shake Recipes

Are you tired of just having your whey protein powder with just milk water? If so, here are 3 great protein shake recipes that you can mix with your protein powder. The preparation of these protein shakes as simple as mixing all the ingredients in a blender and voila, you have got yourself delicious protein shake with these protein shake recipes:

Chocolate Cake Protein Shake. This recipe is for lean mass gain:
• 12 ounce of water
• 4 ice cubes
• 1 tblspn of heavy cream
• 1 tblspn of coconut cream
• 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder

Tangerine Cream Protein Shake. This recipe is for maximum fat loss and/or lean mass gain:
• 12 ounce of Tangerine Diet Rite
• 4 ice Cubes
• 1½ tblspn of heavy cream
• 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

Root Beer Float Protein Shake. This recipe is for maximum fat loss and/or lean mass gain:
• 1 can of Diet A&W Root Beer
• 4 ice cubes
• 1½ tblspn of heavy cream
• 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Low Calorie Diets Do Not Make You Lose Weight

If you are trying to lose weight, you must have tried many diets but to no avail. Many diets that are available in the market require you to eat less calories. But is this the way to lose weight? Low calorie diets may work in a short period of time, but not in the long run due to the fact that our body need certain amount of calories to survive.

These diets do not work because when your meal is low in calories, you harm you body by slowing down it’s fat burning sources, which basically means you are not helping your body to burn fat and lose weight. You may lose weight in the first week but this weight loss will stop rapidly.

Low calorie diets are not the efficient way to lose weight permanently. You should end the usage of low calorie diets and replace with a way that will make you eat healthy foods and at the same time make you lose weight.

A diet plan that will make you lose weight is a plan that allows you to eat at the exact time daily and allows you to have at least 4 meals. Eating at the exact time and eating a minimum of 4 meals shall increase your metabolism thus making you burn more fat. In short you get to eat your healthy foods, have the essential vitamins as well as minerals that your body require and lose weight.

You could easily lose weight if you have the right diet plan. Each of us are different compared to one another, so it is best for you to scrutinize all of today’s existing diet plans, to see whether they suit you.

Significantly reduce your weight by avoiding low calorie diets and check out this dieting breakthrough which shall make you lose 9 pounds in 11 days.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2 Ways To Lose 25 Pounds

There are 2 ways you can lose 25 pounds. Exercise and change your diet.

1. Exercise

Exercise 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes and work up to exercising 3 to 4 times per week for 40 to 60 minutes. Have a mix of cardio training and weight training. Cardio will burn fat and weight training will help increase metabolism so you burn more fat all the time and help you to lose 25 pounds faster.

To provide the greatest metabolic response and target the loss of stubborn body fat focus on workout intensity and on working your body as a whole, To get really lean, ensure your workouts are high intensity, minimize rest periods and work on the largest muscle groups of the body, there is no real need to focus on the smaller body parts using isolation exercises for small muscle groups like the shoulders biceps, or calves.

2. Diet

The single most important factor to focus if you want to lose 25 pounds is diet. Of course exercise also has a part to play, but number one is diet. After all what is the use of a fantastic set of abs which are covered by an excess of body fat?

Eating every 2 to 3 hours will keep your metabolism high. If you have long interval time between meals, this will make your metabolism to slow way down and the next time you eat the food will be much more likely to be stored as fat.

Your diet should consist of a healthy blend of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Fats should come from unsaturated and omega 3's. Good sources of fat are from nuts, salmon, etc. Proteins should come from lean meat and dairy like chicken, skim milk, and egg whites. Carbohydrates should be complex carbohydrates from whole grain breads, cereals and pastas.

A method that can help you lose 25 pounds is the Calorie Shifting method. Records have shown many people who used the Calorie Shifting method have been able to lose 25 pounds.

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