Saturday, March 14, 2009

Healthy Weight Loss Plan

A healthy weight loss plan is a plan that can make you lose weight in long term and good for your weight loss maintenance. Here is a healthy weight loss plan that you can carry out:

Exercise is very important for weight loss. It plays a major role in a healthy weight loss plan. A regular exercise 30 minutes daily is sufficient to make you lose weight. Go walking, jogging or swimming with your friends who likes exercise. This will encourage you and make you exercise more.

Focus Your Mind on Losing Weight
To focus your mind on losing weight is another healthy weight loss plan. If you read Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”, Napoleon Hill wrote “Thought Are Things”. This simply means that if you focus your mind on losing weight, mixed with persistence, your purpose of your healthy weight loss plan and a burning desire to lose weight, you will lose weight.

Record Your Daily Calorie Intake
It is very useful to record your daily calorie intake in a diary. Every healthy weight loss plan should include this practice. In any healthy weight loss plan, it is very important for you to keep track of your calorie intake because you need to determine how much calories you need daily and how much you need to burn daily.

Eat Only Small Portion
This is also a healthy weight loss plan which will give you great results. You eat only small portion from each of your meals 4 to 5 times daily. In this healthy weight loss plan, you eat half of whatever you usually eat.

Healthy Eating at a Restaurant
If you are now on a healthy weight loss plan, but you love going to restaurants, here is some guides for you to healthy eating at a restaurant.

a. Just drink plain water, Chinese tea or green tea without sugar
b. Skip the appetizer menu. At restaurants appetizers are usually high-fat foods and they are bad for your healthy weight loss plan. For example, these appetizers are mozzarella sticks, chicken wings and potato skins

c. When you order the main dish, avoid high fat food and cream sauces. Split your meal in half, half for eating in the restaurant, half for take-away. This you can eat as leftovers during breakfast tomorrow. By practicing this you will have a healthy weight loss plan and save your money

d. If you are going to order dessert, just order one dessert and share with your companion. This practice is important for your healthy weight loss plan because most desserts in restaurants have more calories than your entire meal

Fast For 2 To 3 Days a Week
This is a very effective healthy weight loss plan. However it requires patient and practices. You fast 12 hours a day for 2 to 3 days a week. The night before you fast you should eat your regular meal and tell yourself that you are going to fast the next day. During your fast breaking, do not over eat and just eat your regular meal.

Fasting as a healthy weight loss plan is totally different than starving. You will die if you starve yourself but you will be healthy if you fast as fasting will give your digestive system a rest.

However, if you have any medical problems, consult your physician before you start fasting.

Eat Slowly
When you are on a healthy weight loss plan, it is recommended that you eat slowly. Eating slowly can lead to losing weight because our brain takes about 20 minutes to tell us that we are full.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fasting To Lose Weight

Many people have used the fasting to lose weight method to achieve rapid and fast weight loss. It is cheap and sure way to lose weight. If you eat too much you will gain weight and if fast you will definitely lose weight. By fasting you will be able to cut your intake of energy or calorie and resting your digestive system which is good because before you start the fasting to lose weight program, you have been eating everyday for the whole year and your digestive system has been working the whole year.

When you are fasting, your digestive system will be in resting mode and this will strengthen its mucosal lining. A healthy mucosal lining is important for the prevention of the leakage of incomplete digested proteins into the bloodstream. There are some scientists who suggest in order to restore our youthfulness and longevity, fasting is the way to do it, as fasting will speed up the destruction of decaying tissues and helps build new tissues.

How do you perform your fasting to lose weight plan? To perform your plan you should eat before you start fasting. Let’s say you want to start fasting at 7 am and break your fast at 12 pm. (For Muslims their fast breaking is at dusk). So you eat your regular meal before 7 am and do not eat anything during your fasting period. Then when it is time for you to break your fast, you also eat regular meal. Start your meal with sweet fruits such as dates. Do not over eat as this will defeat the purpose of your fasting to lose weight plan. Even when you are not fasting, you should not take excessive food. To have the effect of fasting to lose weight, you should start fasting at 7 am and break your fast at 7 pm. Follow this plan on alternate days and you will see your results in just 14 days.

For beginners to fasting to lose weight, this is not an easy plan. To achieve the maximum effect you will need to fast for 12 hours. This can be very tiring. The best method to start the fasting to lose weight plan is to go slow. Start by fasting for 4 hours (less if you find it too hard), then gradually increase it on your next session.

There are people who practice fasting on alternate days even though they have reached their weight loss goals. This is mainly because besides being able to make you losses weight, fasting also helps to detoxify your body, helps to reduce your blood sugar level and helps the body to repair itself. Fasting also helps to control your desire.

However if you are not fit or healthy to perform this fasting to lose weight plan, it is not advisable for you to do it. Check with your physician about your condition or if you have any health related issues.

Fasting to lose weight is not starvation diet. Each one of us fast in our daily life. We fast during our sleep. It is just that we do not realize that we are fasting because we are sleeping and our mind is somewhere else. In a nutshell every human being is performing fasting to lose weight every single day.

For more ideas about diets and body detoxifying, click here