Saturday, January 31, 2009

Drinking Water And Weight Loss

Drinking Water and Weight Loss
The best low cost, highly accessible weight loss supplement is filtered water. Around 2% of dehydration will slow down your metabolism. Studies has shown that drinking water will benefit you in your weight loss quest by affecting your metabolism and it also helps your kidneys in doing their job as your kidneys need lots of water performing their jobs.

When you consume water, it will promote a thermogenic state, and in return will increase your metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate is, the more calories you burn and the more weight loss you gain.

While many have heard about the connection between drinking water and weight loss and decided to increase their water intake to lose weight and for other health benefits, mostly will quit a few days after they start. This is mainly due to their constant running to the bathroom, especially in the morning. This too, can be very disturbing during working hours. However, this is actually good for you as the body is in the process of expelling of all the water it doesn’t need. As your body figures that water is coming in continuously, it expel all the useless water from the body, and if you keep drinking water keeps, the frequent flushing will cease and you become normal again.

Plain water is the most important nutrient in your body. The quality and quantity of your drinking water will determine the quality of your tissues, their performance and their resistant to injury. Half a gallon of water will be used a day when you do light exercise in temperate climate for breath, sweat and urine. Athletes in heavy training use over 2 gallons a day. To lose weight and to help you during your workout, it is advisable to drink water before and after you workout to keep your energy levels high and help your recovery after training.

So, how much water do you need daily? Experts suggest for an average person, at least eight glass of water daily (8-ounce glass). For those on a quest for weight loss, they should drink more and include drinking water in their diet. A simple guide for daily water intake is 1:2. This is 1 ounce of water to every 2 pounds of body weight. A 300 pound person who wishes to lose weight, should include in his diet drinking water and should be drinking around 150 ounces (18.75 of 8-ounce glasses) of water in order the gain the benefits of increased energy and metabolism.

And one last thing to remember is that diet sodas do not count as water and it does not help in your weight loss quest and it should not be included in your weight loss diet.

Recommended Product To Lose 9 lbs Every 11 Days Simply By Eating The Right Foods

fat loss diets

End of Drinking Water and Weight Loss article

Friday, January 30, 2009

Top Ten Tips for Getting Fit in 2009

Here are ten tips to help you start the new year on a HEALTHY, fitness-forward note.

1 – Identify Your Goal
Plan your goals. It's much more than saying “I want to lose weight.” You need to outline steps to attain your goal. Start by writing down HOW MANY POUNDS YOU WANT TO LOSE and BY WHEN YOU WANT TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT. Be realistic – you didn't gain this weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. So think sensibly – divide the amount of weight you want to lose by two (losing two pounds per week is healthy and recommended by doctors.) Don't let this commitment to a date intimidate you; it will set you on the path to change.

2 – Believe in Yourself
Successful losers believe that failure is not an option for them. They envisioned a new life filled with health, energy, and vitality.

3 – Make It a Lifestyle
Jumping into a new fitness or eating plan that isn't sustainable, will not give you lasting results. You need to think of eating smarter or exercising as part of your way of life – a better life.

4 – It's Never Too Late
As we get older, we may think it's too late for us to change our heating habits. But it's never too late!

Take charge of your health and energy today. It has nothing to do with age – but making smart choices. At least 80% of your success will come from what you eat and drink. So regardless of your age, you can start making smarter eating choices beginning right now.

5 – Stop Thinking Negative Thoughts!
This is hard to do. You need to begin by accepting your body – just as it is – before you can change it. Take a moment to reflect about your body. I bet there is a slew of negative thoughts there. These negative thoughts can unravel your best intentions, erode your self-confidence and motivation to succeed. You need to get past them to experience true, lasting results.

If you find yourself thinking something bad about yourself, just say “OOPS” out loud. It may sound silly, but it's a great reminder to stop negative thoughts in their tracks and return to positive thinking. Remember that your body is a precious gift!

6 – Harness the Power of Frustration
Frustration can create a powerful desire for change; it's one of the most valuable motivational tools. Just think about how being unfit has cost you – whether in your career, intimate relationship or family life. How many activities have you missed because you physically couldn't do them: How often have you stayed home because you felt too ashamed or embarrassed about your body?

Be honest with yourself and explore every aspect of your life in which inactivity or overeating has held you back. Why not journalize all this – a journal will help you immensely. This will help you to propel forward toward your goals.

7 – Start Your Day with Sunshine!
Open those curtains at night and let the morning sun in! As it gets lighter with the sun rising, you'll slowly be aroused – both body and mind – to get out of your sleep stage. Wake up before your alarm goes off. We don't like those noisy buzzers anyway! You'll be refreshed, happy and ready to begin you day.

8 – Cut Back on Watching TV
This can also be true of the computer! It's called the "loser zone" – that is where we spend way too much time resulting in no significant improvement in your life.

The number 1 Loser Zone activity for Americans is watching television; and number 2 is the computer.

The average person spends 30 hours each week at these activities. Even cutting one hour daily off this inactivity you will have seven extra hours per week.

9 – Hang with the Right Crowd
Surround yourself with happy, successful people whose goals you share. Since we tend to emulate the behavior of the people around us, either consciously or subconsciously, spend time with fit, health-conscious people and you'll be inspired to adopt their ways.

Now don't think you need to drop all your old friends whose habits you don't admire; just be wise when choosing where and when you socialize with them.

10 – You Are Not Perfect – So Stop Trying to Be!
Perfection is not only unrealistic, buts is also a huge burden. Perfectionists may start out with the best intentions by wanting to better themselves or their situation, but they end up as control freaks. Should something minor go wrong, the feel like it's the end of the world. You don't need that stress to drive you batty!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Best Of The Best Weight Loss Secrets

Depending on one person’s unique metabolism it is pertinent to use different kind of method to lose weight. One person might lose weight just by exercising while another may not. One person whose metabolic rate is high does not get fat eating all kinds of food. So, the best diet differs from one person to another. The guidelines below however shall be applicable to everyone trying to lose weight.

Best Weight Loss Secret 1 : Best time of day to exercise

Start exercising early in the morning as it will jump start your metabolism and causes your body to burn fat. Doing exercise in the evening is also good because exercise suppresses appetite.

Best Weight Loss Secret 2 : Best time of the day to eat junk food

Eat your junk food early in the morning when your body needs calories the most. For all kinds of sugar it is also in the morning just before a long cardio or circuit training workout. When doing the cardio or workout, your body will use fuel (calories) which is from the sugar. After the exercise, you do not eat anything for an hour so your body starts to burn body fat as alternative source of fuel, since there is no sugar left in your body. In a nutshell, eat your junk food before noon so you will have enough time to burn those calories.

Best Weight Loss Secret 3 : Best diet for anyone

The best diet for everyone is 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. The carbohydrate is for your body fuel, the protein is for maintaining lean muscle mass and building muscle and the fat should be from healthy and good fats like olive oils, nut oils, seed oils (sesame, sunflower, poppy) which promotes fat loss and decreases appetite.

Best Weight Loss Secret 4 : Best type of exercise program

Cardiovascular training, resistance training, and stretching are all important and you should do to lose weight.

Low-Carbs Diets Is Not The Best Diets

The best diets are very important in our quest for fast weight loss. Our day to day diet will make us gain weight if we do not control our diet and we ought to choose the best diets to have an effective and fast weight loss.

So, what are the best diets in the market? There are a lot of best diets if you search the internet. At the time of this writing there are about 531,000 results for “best diets” from Google search. Before you buy any of this so called best diets, it is better for you to know about diets out there in the market that gives you inaccurate information on how to lose weight.

What Is Low Carbs Diet And How Does It Work?

Low-carbohydrate diets or low carbs diets are dietary programs that restrict carbohydrate consumption usually for weight control or for the treatment of obesity. Foods high in digestible carbohydrates (e.g. breads, pasta) are limited or replaced with foods containing a higher percentage of proteins and fats (e.g. meats, soy products) and often other foods low in carbohydrates (e.g. green leafy vegetables).

Eating low carbs do not work because they are too strict, not sustainable and make your life miserable as your body does not function properly without carbohydrate. Your body needs carbohydrate to form glucose or blood sugar, which is essential for most body functions. When you reduce the amount of carbohydrate in your body, your body is forced to find alternative energy from your body and the energy is body fat. When body fat is broken down for energy, a chemical called Ketones is produced. Ketones is a chemical produced when there is a shortage of insulin in the blood and the body breaks down body fat for energy. High levels of ketones can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis and coma, sometimes referred to as ketone bodies. Ketones will cause you to lose appetite hence the weight loss. As a side effect Ketones will also cause you to have bad breath, nausea, headaches, irritability, dizziness, fatigue and loss of sleep. By practicing low carb diets it will actually cause you to lose weight initially and after a period of time when you become boring of the lack of variety of food, the strict nature of the diet and the side effects it causes, you will eventually start to eat more carbohydrate and eventually you will gain more weight than before.

As such, eating low carbs is not the best diets because the price you have to pay is not worth it. Your overall health is far more important. The best diets we are looking for is something that will make you lose weight fast in a healthy way.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why Are You Still Overweight?

You are still overweight even though you have been eating low carbohydrate food, low fat diets, following starvation diet, following Pre-package Diet Programs and Hollywood Diets. All these are not going to make you lose weight. For the simplest reasons, you are probably eating the wrong foods, the wrong type of calories per meal and also eating meals in the wrong patterns each day.

Food is the major cause for you to gain weight or lose weight. It can make you thin and it can make you fat. Simply by eating right, you will lose weight in 14 days, but not eating the right food at the right time can easily make you fat. For most people they are afraid of eating simply because they think eating makes them fat. So, they start to starve themselves. They simply stop eating and their body start to develop problems such as gastric. The stomach will also start to eat itself and the organs will shutdown. Once you start eating again you will gain weight more than before.

Your eating pattern also contributes largely to your weight loss. Because your body is like an "engine" and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals throughout the day, you have to adhere to your body needs to lose weight. Not eating certain foods at certain intervals each day will not burn your calories, instead you will be ending up storing more calories as fat tissues.

So, in order for you to lose weight, you need to eat the right food at certain intervals throughout the day. It's not that hard to lose weight if you are eating your way to lose your weight. By doing this you could lose weight real fast and lose up to 9lbs in 10 days.

Even if you do cardiovascular activities such as jogging every day, you will not lose your weight in the shortest period such as 10 days. However, jogging is good for your health and in the long run it will eventually make you lose weight.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cleanse Your Body And Lose Weight In 10 Days

Another option to lose weight in less than 14 days is by a process of rapid detoxing and rejuvenation. This process is by consuming a certain mixture of diet. One of the diet is lemonade.

The recipe for the lemonade is as follows :-

2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
10 oz of filtered water

The recipe is for a single serving of lemonade, and it should be drink 6-12 servings a day. You can also make up a big batch by multiplying that recipe by however many servings you plan on drinking which is what I like to do. Just make sure you keep it refrigerated, and don't make more than one day supply because the lemonade has to be as fresh as possible when you drink it.
By drinking the lemonade you’ll experience a fast weight loss which you and people around you will notice.

Here's what you can expect by cleansing your system using this method:
  • You'll normalize your appetite and metabolism so your body can comfortably adjust to it's ideal weight for your size naturally
  • Your suppressed hormone levels will be restored so every cell in your body will be charged with youth giving and feel good hormones
  • There will be a natural shift away from unhealthy habits--without will power
  • You'll cleanse and detox your entire body--the pounds of waste built up over the years will be released in just 10 days
  • Reduced internal inflammation, which will ease aching joints
  • Your energy levels will sore
Maybe for some people this is too good to be true, that you could experience such amazing benefits in just 10 days, but the secrets behind this cleansing method is a simple one, it restores your body to its normal, healthy state and flushes out the internal waste that's putting a huge burden on every organ in your body.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Calorie Shifting

Weight Loss Program
Why is it that you are not losing weight even when you have been on a strict diet? From losing weight fast, you are now gaining weight. We have already known that the following diets will not work for you :-

  1. Eating Low Carbs
  2. Low Fat Diets
  3. Starvation Diet
  4. Following Pre-package Diet Programs
  5. Hollywood Diets
So, what is the best diet that you could possibly have? The answer is Calorie Shifting.

Calorie Shifting weight loss program will help you to lose weight fast, from less than 14 days. In Calorie Shifting you will be making adjustments to your diet. It’s just not only about changing what you eat, but also changing your eating habits, the way you eat, the size of your meals, the time of day in which you eat certain food groups, the time between meals, and the number of meals you eat each day. All this can have a bigger effect on your weight than the amount of calories that you consume.

Researchers have discovered that the human body takes several days to "sense" any change in calories, so if you SHIFT your calories (in a VERY special way and eating pattern) then your body gets "confused" and begins burning extra fat .

Here are the basic principles of Calorie Shifting weight loss program :-

1. You eat 4 reasonable sized meals each day based on a specific and personal menu.

2. These 4 meals contain all food groups (carbs, protein, fat).

3. You need to eat the meals at least 2.5 hours apart so they’re spaced out throughout the day.

In Calorie Shifting, the menu spreads the 4 meals throughout the day which causes a metabolic effect which maintains the rate in which your metabolism runs. This causes your body to burn calories faster than it does with other diets and causes your body to lose weight faster. If you follow the menu exactly you will be losing 9lbs in just eleven days.

With Calorie Shifting method you will be eating more than 3 times a day and you will not be starving your way to a slimmer you.

Click here now to see for yourself if this is the best Weight Loss Program

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fast Weight Loss

How fast can you lose weight. A year? 6 months? Well the fastest weight loss is around 14 days to a month, depending on

1. How strong our will is,
2. The diet that we are on, and
3. Our exercise


It is obvious that if we want to lose weight, the first thing that we should is to tell ourselves that we want to lose weight, and it is going to be a fast weight loss and it is also going to be a 2 weeks weight loss. That is going to be our goal for 2 weeks. We have to do this as this is our target and the only thing that will ensure our goal is met. Without this most probably nothing is going to work. Our mind is everything. Once you have set this and constantly, persistently telling telling our mind this goal of ours, your mind will do miracle for you and you will definitely lose weight in 2 weeks.


Our diet too plays a major roll in our quest for fast weight loss. Our daily diet if not properly controlled will make us gain weight even if we exercise regularly. So, the right diet is everything.
There are so many dieting myths and even more programs out there that give you inaccurate information on how to lose weight.


Eating Low Carbs
You have probably tried low-carb, Atkins-style diets, or at least heard of them. These diets do not work. They are much too strict, not sustainable, and make your life miserable as your body does not function properly without carbs causing headaches, irritability and loss of sleep. Low carb diets will actually cause you to gain weight after the initial weight loss.

Low Fat Diets
You know all these so called “low fat” foods that are sold in your local supermarket? These foods are typically calorie ridden and will actually make you gain more weight! This is just one of the fallacies that we will uncover for you! Low fat foods DO NOT equal weight loss.

Starvation Diet
Your Body requires food to function. Losing weight the wrong way by not eating is actually worse for you than gaining weight. If you think that following diets that tell you to eat very little, drink only liquids, or something else that seems “crazy”, don’t do it. It will affect the way your brain functions and slow your metabolism down to a GRINDING HALT! You CANNOT lose weight and stay healthy by starving yourself of nutrition.

Following Pre-package Diet Programs
These foods are worse for you than foods you can make from your own home. Not only that, pre-packaged food diets (like Jenny Craig) can cost you up to $500 per month to maintain! That is more than most families spend on groceries in an entire month. How does this make sense?

Hollywood Diets
The only diet that seems popular in Hollywood is the one where the actors and actresses forget to eat. There are also the ridiculous “cookie” diets, secret potion “syrup and water’ diets... Let’s get real, these people are not like us and they do not need the nutrition that a normal person needs to maintain a healthy weight.


On your way to 2 weeks weight loss, regular exercise is also important. Some say that exercise is considered the most important component of overall health and fitness. This is true because have you ever seen exercise been included in “weight loss scam report”? It has never been banned and never been investigated. However exercise may not give us fast result such as lose weight in 14 days but it sure is safe, effective, and brings many benefits to the body aside from weight loss